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Everything posted by TurboMagic

  1. TurboMagic

    Android camera/exposure/GetScanLine/PixelFOrmat

    Can you show on how to add this/implement this? Problem is: without continous capture the thing is not usable for my purpose...
  2. TurboMagic

    Android camera/exposure/GetScanLine/PixelFOrmat

    Regarding your support for Camera 2: Can you got a bit more into details about what work it would need? Does Camera API 2 have a setting for the exposure time? Have you surfaced that one or would it be easy to add it? And why, oh why, does Android need so many different takes on a camera API? Regards TurboMagic
  3. Found a fix myself! FQuery.UpdateOptions.AutoIncFields := 'PERSON_ID'; This makes FireDAC aware that the not null constraint will be fullfilled by the database itsself.
  4. I just tried this, but it does not work. It throws an EDatabaseError exception that the PERSON_ID must not be null. That field is the primary key and as soon as I delcare it as primary key the DB management tool adds a not null constraint. The exception occurs on the Post line. My code looks like this: FQuery.SQL.Text := 'select Person_ID, LastName, FirstName from persons'; FQuery.Open; FQuery.Append; FQuery.FieldByName('LastName').AsString := 'Doe'; FQuery.FieldByName('FirstName').AsString := 'John'; FQuery.Post; Result := FQuery.FieldByName('Person_ID').AsInteger; The generator value us applied via some ACTIVE BEFORE INSERT trigger by the way...
  5. Thanks! Sounds helpfull and I'll try this later!
  6. The developer of FireDAC somewhere recommended this one: FireDAC.Comp.Client.TFDCustomConnection.GetLastAutoGenValue But that also retrieves the last value of the generator and thus should better be avoided for most RDMS, at least in multi user scenarios. Somewhere else adding this to the insert statement is recommended: RETURNING ID INTO :ID This would return the value in a field named ID. But: FireDAC doesn't seem to support this. If I add this to the insert the Prepare call throws an error: Dynamic SQL error. Error code -104, Token unknown, Line 1 column 138. Where column 138 (at least when I copy out the SQL text in the debugger) is one of the parameters before...
  7. In my case I have used this one: FQuery.SQL.Text := 'insert into MYTABLE ' + '(LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME) ' + 'VALUES (:NEW_LASTNAME, :NEW_FIRSTNAME);'; FQuery.UpdateOptions.AutoIncFields := 'PERSON_ID'; FQuery.CachedUpdates := false; FQuery.Prepare; Later on I fill in values like this, which works and created unique IDs: FQuery.ParamByName('NEW_LASTNAME').AsString := 'Doe'; FQuery.ParamByName('NEW_FIRSTNAME').AsString := 'John'; FQuery.ExecSQL; But how to retrieve the generated new PERSON_ID?
  8. This is exactly the help topic I don't fully understand! I'm having the same issue right now, but with a Firebird database. The help topic doesn't show me (at least not in a form I can understand) hot to access the generated value after calling ExecSQL. And the sample linked I don't understand either.
  9. Some Firebird documentation about generators I just read recommends to NOT directly query a generator like that for master/detail tables, as in multi user scenarious you cannot be sure whether somebody already further incremented the generrator etc.
  10. TurboMagic

    TaskMessageDlg('.... behind form?

    Ok, I invested the time to try to replicate this in a reduced demo, but there the problem doesn't happen!
  11. TurboMagic

    TaskMessageDlg('.... behind form?

    Your idea is of course how one might find it, if it shows in a reduced demo. My first question would be: what's different between those two forms that one shows this problem and the other works as expected. So which properties or behavior can influence that? Both forms have set: - BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu,biMinimize,biMaximize] - BorderStyle := bsSingle - DefaultMonitor := dmActiveForm - FormStyle := fsNormal - PopupMode := pmNone also pmAuto doesn't change this - PopupParent := nil, but also setting it to TCustomForm(AOwner) in the constructor didn't change anything - Position := poOwnerFormCenter - WindowState := wsNormal The form itsself only has an OnShowEvent, where one control gets set the focus. Any other properties known which might play a role here?
  12. TurboMagic

    TaskMessageDlg('.... behind form?

    I might try later on, but it might prove difficult. I already tried to do a minimal demo for something else I saw in that project and reported as QP 38385, but the minimal demo failed to show the effect. In the German DP somebody said something that all new forms seem to have some popupparent issue as if always the main form would be used as popup parent... I haven't done any investigation of that theory yet, as I just read it. Could that be related?
  13. TurboMagic

    TaskMessageDlg('.... behind form?

    Strange! I found this post because I have exactly the same issue, but the solution above doesn't fix my issue 😞 Given: - D11.1 - a datamodule containing a TTaskDialog - a main form - two other forms, each having a button for showing that TTaskDialog - both forms have the same popup mode, border style etc. - both are created at runtime and shown via ShowModal and when created both get the main form set as owner - in one form the TaskDialog shows in the foreground, in the other it stays in the background - calling execute with self.handle as param doesn't help Now I copied the Taskdialog from the datamodule directly on the form where it doesn't work and called that directly. Result: still doesn't work 😞 Anybody any clue?
  14. Hello, this is the announcement that I just re-released a classic Delphi component called TComPortDrv. The new release is in agreement of the original author and the license was changed to Apache 2.0 by this. What is this non-visual VCL component about? It is an encapsulation of the Windows RS232 API so you can send and receive data via real and virtual COM-ports. The new version works from 10.4.1 Sydney onwards (due to the use of $(Auto) for the LibSuffix setting of the packages. You should get it compile on older versions though as well. Where can I get it from? https://github.com/MHumm/ComPortDriver/releases/tag/V3.0 What got changed in this V3.0 * made compilable with Unicode Delphi * fixed a severe bug in the data receive event which would overflow the internal buffer when using this component with a high baudrate (over 230400) * changed all external comments to XMLDOC * added a method to get a list of available COM-ports (only as COM3, COM4 etc. as of now) * added SetCommBreak and ClearCommBreak methods * made DelayForRX function a method now and based its calculation on the current serial settings * changed the component Icon Enjoy TurboMagic
  15. Now I am. Thanks! But for which version is this? The one our new project already has as starting point is compatible with 10.3 and I guess mostly compatible with that release so I guess it's newer than the one you linked. But you can compare both versions I guess...?
  16. This would be another approach. At least for the start we should attract many developers to get it started. I know that you're after, but if we make entry barrier as low as possible at the start we might attract more contributors. We can still switch afterwards if we find that some don't do the right things. But: we need people working on it. Otherwise it's useless... 😉
  17. TurboMagic

    DEC V6.4.1 released

    Good news: DEC V6.4.1 jsut got released. https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.4.1 What is this? DEC, also known as Delphi Encryption Compendium is a cryptography library for Delphi and FPC. What's new in V6.4.1? This is mainly a bugfix release with these topics: fixed some regression which produced wrong output at least for the 2DES encryption algorithm when used with CBC block chaining kode improved layout and handling of GCM block chaining mode in Cipher_FMX demo application added a new Cipher_Console_KDF demo application fixed and improved the documentation, especially about wrongly written GCM properties What's the plan for the future? Have a short rest 😉 Require Delphi 10.1 Berlin instead of D2009 as minimum compatible version The rest of the plan (which exists) will not be disclosed yet. Cheers TurboMagic
  18. TurboMagic

    DEC V6.4.1 released

    I just noticed, that I hadn't completed the release publication back then due to too much going on short before Christmas. This has been "fixed" now. The direct link to the release is here: https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.4.1 And work on a V6.5 already started. Contributors are welcome. Cheers TurboMagic
  19. TurboMagic

    DEC V6.4 released

    Hello, good news: just a few minutes ago I released V6.4 of the Delphi Encryption Compendium library. You can find it here: https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.4 What's new? Bugfixes Improved layout for Hash FMX demo Partly revised documentation Implemented GCM (Galois Counter Mode) block chaining support for 128 bit block cipher algorithms Enjoy TurboMagic
  20. TurboMagic

    Delphi Package Manager - choices?

    There are concrete (but not public yet) plans to improve GetIt. One of the items will make it easier to update contents which has already been published via GetIt so it might attrack more publishers.
  21. Hello, I've written a small unit for easily adding and removing IDE/Tools menu entries. It can also check if there's already some entry for a given executable. It is open source and can be found here along with a small console application demoing the functionality. https://github.com/MHumm/AddIDETool Remember: you need to restart the IDE for the settings changes to become effect. Now enjoy it 😉 TurboMagic
  22. I updated the console demo now and it will list all configurations created with the -r key as well and since a few weeks even a GUI for selecting the configurations has been added. Is that's "good enough" now? (except maybe for the documentation)
  23. TurboMagic

    RAD Studio 11.0 Support

    I don't know which SVN client you used, but Tortoise SVN integrates nicely into Windows Explorer and works quite well... After installing that one create a new folder and right click on it, select "SVN Checkout" and enter the SVN Url of ICS and things should be on your computer a few seconds later...
  24. Ok, I added a VCL based form for adding and removing now, but in a different fashion than yours and a demo application. Enjoy!
  25. Thanks for pointing that one out to me. The intent of my library is to get this integrated in various 3rd party tools to make them easily integratable in the IDE. I've got no need for such a complete UI. My version deliberatly only supports D2009 and up. We need to get away from supporting all these old versions so that people finally upgrade and even D2009 is old enough.