I've finally finished to rework all my codes, so it works both with old Indy OpenSSL 1.0.2 and latest ICS 9.1 (OpenSSL 3.2) by setting a simple checkbox (UseSSL3?)   But when I test it, it gives odd results, because it takes 3x so much time to download a simple XML with ICS now.   Old Indy download time = 560 - 570ms New ICS download time = 1560-1580ms   I have tested it many many times, same results. - Both components running in background thread. - BasicAuth (username + password) is used.   - Indy component is getting created each time before download. But ICS (+SSL initialization) is done only once before thread start.   The code I use is very simple: function Get_with_SSL3(const url: string; SslHttpCli3: TSslHttpCli; var Data:TMemoryStream; var error: string; timeOut: integer): Boolean; var size: Int64; begin Result := False; if Data = nil then Data := TMemoryStream.Create; SslHttpCli3.URL := url; SslHttpCli3.Timeout := timeOut; try try SslHttpCli3.Get; except on E:Exception do // 400 error := E.Message; end; finally Result := (SslHttpCli3.StatusCode = 200) or (SslHttpCli3.StatusCode = 400); size := 0; try if Assigned(SslHttpCli3.RcvdStream) then begin SslHttpCli3.RcvdStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); size := SslHttpCli3.RcvdStream.Size; end; if size > 0 then begin Data.Clear; Data.LoadFromStream( SslHttpCli3.RcvdStream ); end else error := 'ERROR! 0 byte answer. ' + error; except on E: Exception do hiba := '! Stream read error: ' + CRLF + E.Message; end; if Assigned(SslHttpCli3.SendStream) then SslHttpCli3.SendStream.Size := 0; if Assigned(SslHttpCli3.RcvdStream) then SslHttpCli3.RcvdStream.Size := 0; end; end;   Is this "normal" ?