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Mohammad Atikur Rhaman

"Divided by zero" exception

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im come from DBase III Plus and Clipper Summer 87... any error was not an exception, but  a fact! 

(I jumped MSX Basic)😁

Edited by programmerdelphi2k

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99% off-top here.


My project is not throwing a "Divide by zero" exception. Delphi 12.

The project is not a DLL.

The project was created from scratch file->new project.


Why do I have to set a so-called "exception mask" when I didn't have to in the previous version?

What else, along with the masks, should I set to get it back to how it should work by default?

You shouldn't talk about masks, but about the fact that it creates UB. This is not what Pascal should do.


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46 minutes ago, Joseph MItzen said:

I'll bite... what other programming languages don't raise an exception when you divide by zero?

C++, Swift to name some.


Interoperability with code written in other languages (although this is not a language issue per-se) was one of the main reasons why exceptions are masked now, as such code would commonly expect masked exceptions. So you had to do mask/unmask at every call to such code which then caused issues in threading as Delphi FPCR functions were not thread-safe at all.


For instance: https://stackoverflow.com/q/9472265/

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It wasn't enough for them to have undefined behavior in C that you decided to put it in Pascal?

OLE objects are not common use.

Don't know anything about thread-safety and mask at every call. Why not mask once if you need this?

Again, whose fault is it that "FPCR" (what's that?) is still not thread-safe?


Okay, customers will no longer complain about "zero divide" exceptions, but they also will not complain about "not catched" exceptions either, because they will not notice them, for the time being. SO it's a win-win strategy.

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2 hours ago, terran said:

Don't know anything about thread-safety and mask at every call. Why not mask once if you need this?


Consider when code using unmasked exceptions calls code in a DLL that uses masked exceptions. The floating-point control register (FPCR) needs to be set to mask exceptions just before the call then unmask them on return.  The functions provided by Delphi to update the FPCR are not thread safe so they can botch it. 


For the non-FMX Windows platform Delphi code ran with unmasked floating-point exceptions on by default before the recent change. Most C/C++/C# code runs with them masked. This meant the above scenario happened when calling into most non-Delphi DLLs from Delphi. 

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18 hours ago, terran said:

OLE objects are not common use.

Also not only OLE object but any dll.

Look at how many dll's an app loads:


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770b0000 RPCRT4.dll                      10.0.19041.4597     C:\WINDOWS\System32
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19 hours ago, terran said:

Again, whose fault is it that "FPCR" (what's that?) is still not thread-safe?

That's Embarcadero's fault. They've known how to fix this for at least 10 years, and my patched version of the RTL fixes it.


That said, the real issue isn't really a language issue. It's a platform issue. It all stems from the way floating point is implemented on x86 and x86-64 hardware.

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16 hours ago, Brian Evans said:

This meant the above scenario happened when calling into most non-Delphi DLLs from Delphi. 

Or when calling into a Delphi DLL. 

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As a side note.

unit Vcl.Edge;



SHDocVw, Vcl.Edge and other units set the mask.

If someone is using TWebWrowser for example all exceptions are masked but not on all machines is so and I do not have time now to investigate why.

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