Many of us miss call stacks in Delphi and have to use heavy or commercial libs. Luckily Microsoft cares of us and provides necessary API's. Here's the unit // Stack tracing with WinAPI // (c) Fr0sT-Brutal // License MIT unit StackTrace; interface {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} uses Windows, SysUtils; const DBG_STACK_LENGTH = 32; type TDbgInfoStack = array[0..DBG_STACK_LENGTH - 1] of Pointer; PDbgInfoStack = ^TDbgInfoStack; function RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(FramesToSkip: ULONG; FramesToCapture: ULONG; BackTrace: Pointer; BackTraceHash: PULONG): USHORT; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll'; procedure GetCallStackOS(var Stack: TDbgInfoStack; FramesToSkip: Integer); function CallStackToStr(const Stack: TDbgInfoStack): string; procedure InstallExceptionCallStack; {$ENDIF} implementation {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure GetCallStackOS(var Stack: TDbgInfoStack; FramesToSkip: Integer); begin ZeroMemory(@Stack, SizeOf(Stack)); RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(FramesToSkip, Length(Stack), @Stack, nil); end; function CallStackToStr(const Stack: TDbgInfoStack): string; var Ptr: Pointer; begin Result := ''; for Ptr in Stack do if Ptr <> nil then Result := Result + sLineBreak + Format('$%p', [Ptr]) else Break; end; function GetExceptionStackInfo(P: PExceptionRecord): Pointer; begin Result := AllocMem(SizeOf(TDbgInfoStack)); GetCallStackOS(PDbgInfoStack(Result)^, 1); // excluding the very function GetCallStackOS end; function GetStackInfoStringProc(Info: Pointer): string; begin Result := CallStackToStr(PDbgInfoStack(Info)^); end; procedure CleanUpStackInfoProc(Info: Pointer); begin Dispose(PDbgInfoStack(Info)); end; procedure InstallExceptionCallStack; begin Exception.GetExceptionStackInfoProc := GetExceptionStackInfo; Exception.GetStackInfoStringProc := GetStackInfoStringProc; Exception.CleanUpStackInfoProc := CleanUpStackInfoProc; end; procedure UninstallExceptionCallStack; begin Exception.GetExceptionStackInfoProc := nil; Exception.GetStackInfoStringProc := nil; Exception.CleanUpStackInfoProc := nil; end; {$ENDIF} end. test project program Project2; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses Windows, SysUtils, StackTrace in 'StackTrace.pas'; // Demo subs procedure Nested2; begin Abort; end; procedure Nested1; begin Nested2; end; procedure Nested0; begin Nested1; end; begin try InstallExceptionCallStack; Nested0; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message, sLineBreak, E.StackTrace); end; Readln; end. and output