The develop branch of the Daraja HTTP Framework includes a new tutorial with the full source code for a web server application which implements OAuth 2.0 authorization to access Google APIs. The example calls the Google Drive API to display the result of a ‘files’ request, which contains the files on the My Drive page of the user account in JSON format.

* Google account (with access to the developer console)
* a Google API project with an OAuth 2.0 client ID
* the client_secret.json file with the project configuration
* OpenSSL DLLs
* Lazarus 2.0 or Delphi 2009+
* SuperObject (for Delphi)

More information:
Google API access with OAuth 2.0 authorization for Daraja HTTP Server Applications (full source code)

About Daraja HTTP Framework:
* GitHub:
* Wiki:
* API Docs:

Happy coding,
Michael Justin