[! WARNING !]   There should be a big fat warning at TMultipartHttpDownloader component, that nobody should use it ! version = 8.70   I've just spent 3 days to rewrite my Indy "downloader with progressbar" form to work based on this component, and the end result was a disaster: After each download the whole Delphi7 IDE froze, had to kill it by ProcessExplorer the "done" function was called not just once at the end, but like 5 times (while there were only 2 progress enabled) ... and several other problems, but worse is: The downloaded file was NOT THE SAME as the original! (a total scrambled version with mixed bytes)   There are still many places where only DSL / 3G internet is available. (Having only 100/20Kbit down/up speed.)  so I've hoped it helps but it made it worst.