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Everything posted by samjoko

  1. I purchased Update subscription license a few days ago. Today, I'll try update ELC server for new update subscription. But, it failed "An error occurred while contacting hosting server." (I tried License Hosting page. is it correct way?) And after, I'll tried report to support forum in Embarcadero. Just, show this message. "We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. There has been an error creating your case. Please try again later." What happen to Embarcadero?? Anybody know what this happed?
  2. Currently Support forum is working. What's wrong embarcadero server management?
  3. samjoko

    Anybody have Delphi running in a VM on M-series Mac?

    You can not migration intel mac to m-series mac virtual machine. Apple M2 Max (64G) OSX Sequoia 15.1.1 Delphi 12.2 Enterprise Parallels 20 It's working fine. Sometime GUI design mode is broken (but, After Editor or VM restart then working fine.) I'll using this develop to Windows and MacOSX Application service. (x32 and x64)
  4. Hello, I'll try ICS 8.68 version with FMX in OSX. I used in copy mode (just copy and setup path in IDE library) and GetIt package both test. 1) (ERROR) OverbyteIcsWndControl.pas error line no 162. (error code : [dccosx64 fatal error] OverbyteIcsWndControl.pas(162): F2613 Unit 'Vcl.forms' not found. 2) I added codition in project 'FMX' 3) (ERROR) OverbyteIcsSslHttpRest.pas(2412): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TPath' 4) I added uses 'System.IOUtils' in line 398 5) (ERROR) OverbyteIcsSslX509Certs.pas(1197): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TMsCertTools' how can i use ICS in OSX? sorry for my poor english. it's not my language.
  5. Thanks Angus. i think 1 and 2 some kind of problem of conditional compliation. I'll try complie and figure it out about 1 and 2 problem after ics update. and then, report to this article.
  6. Hi, I'll try auto-increment value in mongodb although, basically not support autoincrement field value in mongodb. example) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/mongodb/mongodb_autoincrement_sequence.htm that is working in cli. but, i want do it firedac component. and i can't find any support execute script procedures. can i use that script in firedac? or other way??? or impossible? p.s : sorry for my poor english.