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Everything posted by samjoko

  1. Hello, I'll try ICS 8.68 version with FMX in OSX. I used in copy mode (just copy and setup path in IDE library) and GetIt package both test. 1) (ERROR) OverbyteIcsWndControl.pas error line no 162. (error code : [dccosx64 fatal error] OverbyteIcsWndControl.pas(162): F2613 Unit 'Vcl.forms' not found. 2) I added codition in project 'FMX' 3) (ERROR) OverbyteIcsSslHttpRest.pas(2412): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TPath' 4) I added uses 'System.IOUtils' in line 398 5) (ERROR) OverbyteIcsSslX509Certs.pas(1197): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TMsCertTools' how can i use ICS in OSX? sorry for my poor english. it's not my language.
  2. Thanks Angus. i think 1 and 2 some kind of problem of conditional compliation. I'll try complie and figure it out about 1 and 2 problem after ics update. and then, report to this article.
  3. Hi, I'll try auto-increment value in mongodb although, basically not support autoincrement field value in mongodb. example) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/mongodb/mongodb_autoincrement_sequence.htm that is working in cli. but, i want do it firedac component. and i can't find any support execute script procedures. can i use that script in firedac? or other way??? or impossible? p.s : sorry for my poor english.