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Everything posted by haley

  1. I'm sorry, unfortunately I don't think that is possible, but I'm happy to be proven wrong!
  2. Mmm personally VS Intellisense has never failed for me ever...it can get really slow on very very large projects but keeps working, albeit slowly. I've noticed that Delphi's Code Insight lies to me a lot, finding problems where there aren't any, LOL whut. I second @Der schöne Günther that Visual Studio Code is an amazing editor, I would say probably the best editor out there right now, I use it for Angular and Dart and just love it.
  3. haley

    Is there such a tool/functionality??

    Sounds exactly like the CodeLens feature in Visual Studio. I know, I wish Delphi had it too 😂
  4. I know right? I'm like that too when it comes to Delphi, LOL. Usually when I'm using C# or Angular, creating classes are so easy, you can write one up so quickly that you don't have to think about it. In Delphi it's a whole lot more verbose, and annoying, so I try and avoid it and end up working around it. That's just my opinion anyway.
  5. Could be anything right? Maybe it's a conflict with a third party component, you could try removing installed components one by one and seeing if that helps?
  6. Mmm I guess another way to do it, if you don't want to bother changing the min and max values on a scrollbar, could be to assign the max value to a constant and then use that to calculate the amount that you are after. Could be useful if you have a lot of scrollbars on your page. Const VALUE_MAX = 256; pos := scrollbar1.position; dataValue := (round((pos div 100) * VALUE_MAX)); And then you don't need to bother with having to calculate the percentage: percentLabel.caption := inttostr(pos); It also makes it easier if you need to change the max value, because you can just change the constant value and don't have to worry about the scrollbar. But I suppose it's a much of a muchness, really.
  7. haley

    Form 'appears' before it should

    Personally, I'd rather not create the form until it's needed because apparently that makes it load faster, but I'm not an expert, LOL.