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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Brian

    FireDAC Exception handling without driver info

    Have you tried using regex? uses ... System.RegularExpressions; ... try ... // some database function except on E: EFDDBEngineException do begin ShowMessage(TRegEx.Replace(E.Message, '\[[^\]]*\]', '')); end; on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('An unexpected error occurred: ' + E.Message); end; end;
  2. Brian

    Decrypt a string with public key using openssl in VCL app

    You can't. In SSL, public key is used to encrypt and private is to decrypt.
  3. Brian

    problem with ComboBox

    type TComboboxHelper = class helper for TCombobox public procedure DoOnChange; end; implementation { TComboboxHelper } procedure TComboboxHelper.DoOnChange; begin if Assigned(OnChange) then Onchange(Self); end; I would put this to a helper to save me problems when I change the procedure on combobox OnChange. procedure TForm1.Panel1_Click (Sender: TObject); begin ComboBox1.ItemIndex := 1; ComboBox1.DoOnChange; end;