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  1. -Make updates less painful. At least save a list of GetIt components installed and reinstall them automatically in next version. -Add animations to VCL -And/or add an option to FMX to create Windows-only applications that allow to use native Windows controls like TToolBars and alike -Find a way to do the same that anonymous methods can do but without the same problems for readability. And sponsoring updating third party controls like JVCL and others to be in line with current UI could be an incentive for some people to upgrade.
  2. jesu

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    This happens in the first execution of bds after installation, so that problem shouldn't exist if Getit had uninstalled them rightly. I uninstalled Navigator by hand because I had read that was the only one that gave trouble. It seems I was wrong.
  3. jesu

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    After installing new version I get lots of errors like this: That file has date 23/9/2024. Is that the new version or the old one that wasn't uninstalled? Should I repeat the whole process again? Thanks.
  4. Right, I've removed var and it works, but the combobox style is csDropDown so I check both itemindex and text. And there are lots of them, so if I have a problem I use the name to find which one is wrong.
  5. ok, I'm not modifying tparam, but tparam.value
  6. Because I'm modifying it inside the procedure
  7. Thanks for the suggestions. Returning a dummy value would mean rewriting the stored procedures so that's a no-no. I'm trying to avoid Variants because in the past I've had problems with variants <-> float. I've tried this instead procedure ProcValorDeCombo(var pn_param: TFDParam; pt_Combo: TComboBox); var vn_marca: double; begin case pt_Combo.ItemIndex of -1: begin // code ... pn_param.AsFloat := vn_marca; end; // code... else pn_param.Clear; end; end; but when I try to call it ProcValorDeCombo(ParamByName('myparam'), mycombo); I get E2197 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter
  8. Hello. I'm trying to create a function that can return a float or nil: function myfunc(const pa_value:string): double; begin if pa_value = whatever then result := -1 else result := nil; end; to replace many lines like this (simplified code): if check then parambyname('myparam').asfloat := -1 else parambyname('myparam').clear; What is the right way to do that? Thanks.
  9. jesu

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    I didn't use anything new. If they break compatibility, what's the purpose of calling it 12.2 instead of 13.0?
  10. jesu

    Delphi 12.2 available for download

    When I compile a program with 12.2 and deploy to a computer that has 12.1 bpls I get this error: No se encuentra el punto de entrada del procedimiento @System@Threading@TParallelArray@$bcctr$qqrv en la biblioteca de vínculos dinámicos myprogram.exe. Have they changed the interface? Thanks
  11. Hello. I have 2 folders called CatalogRepository. One is C:\Users\usuario\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository and another one in D:\Delphi12\CatalogRepository. I think this last one is the folder I chose during installation. Each of them occupies several gigabytes. The one in C contains Fastreports, Jedi, Styles.. and the one in D has Android NDK, Konopka, FmxLinux,... Are both neccessary? Can I delete any of them to save some space? Thanks.
  12. If I copy an exe that uses skia to another computer I get Runtime error 217 at 00EA254C Options: -Allow to include skia in the exe (like midaslib) -Show the right error message and an option to download sk4d.dll -???? And another problem is that that dll doesn't have a version. If they solve a bug in a new version, how can we know if the user has the right version? Does this make sense? Has anyone asked Embarcadero to improve it? Thanks.
  13. jesu

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    My experience is that if you compile without doing any changes it always works, but compiling + doing changes + recompiling sometimes fails. It seems obvious that they are saving something from previous compilations and they are doing it wrong. There should be an option to do always a clean compilation. That would be much faster than having to close the IDE and reopen.
  14. jesu

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    For me, the update has been messy. I have Raize components in the palette, but GetIt says they aren't installed. And if I try to install it throws an exception saying that old files are in use and can't be deleted. And help doesn't work. It tries to go to urls that don't exist like https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Updates/en/MessageDlgConfirmation_(Delphi)
  15. jesu

    Delphi 12: internal errors

    No, disabling package cache hasn't helped at all