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Everything posted by acaland

  1. acaland

    Lazarus/FPC support

    Hello, I am trying to install Python4Delphi on Lazarus 2.2.2 with FPC 3.2.2 on MacOS Monterey but I have got the following errore while compiling the package: I have just opened the LPK package that I download from the github account of Python4delphi and compile it. One more question: I see there is also a Python4Lazarus fork. What is the difference between the twos? Which one is the more updated? Thanks a lot in advance Best Antonio
  2. acaland

    Lazarus/FPC support

    thank you. I just build it and installed fine. Next I will try to run some example to check if it actually works (I have a Apple Silicon Mac) and report it later By the way, what is the difference between P4D and Python4Lazarus? thx
  3. acaland

    Lazarus/FPC support

    I replaced GetLastError() with GetLastOSError() and it compiled successfully! Is this supposed to achieve the same purpose but working cross platform? thanks
  4. acaland

    Lazarus/FPC support

    thank you. From the link you provided I read: "MacOSX and Linux compatibility has not been fully tested. Please test and if required submit a patch." So I am just testing it it is working and maybe patch it Is "GetLastError()" method available only on Windows?