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Everything posted by Linuxuser1234

  1. Linuxuser1234

    How can i add a custom font to a windows fmx application

    @vfbb something like this
  2. Linuxuser1234

    How can i add a custom font to a windows fmx application

    @vfbb with skia4delphi can i also use that library to make a text rendering engine where i want to have a 2d troundrect with a shadow on to my viewport 3d to display wind data/temperature data and have the text change color based on the temp or wind data is that possible with skia4delphi
  3. Linuxuser1234

    How can i add a custom font to a windows fmx application

    @Dave Nottage i am using Delphi 10.4 Community Edition
  4. @XylemFlow here is the code procedure TForm1.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); var T:TTouches; begin if ssLeft in Shift then begin SetLength(T, 1); T[0].Location:=PointF(X, Y); FormTouch(Nil, T, TTouchAction.Down); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); var T:TTouches; begin if ssLeft in Shift then begin SetLength(T, 1); T[0].Location:=PointF(X, Y); FormTouch(Nil, T, TTouchAction.Move); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormTouch(Sender: TObject; const Touches: TTouches; const Action: TTouchAction); var T:TTouch; F: TFmxObject; M: TRectF; L: TLine; R: TRoundRect; P: TPointF; begin for T in Touches do begin case Action of TTouchAction.Down, TTouchAction.Move: For F in Children do if F is TLayout then begin M:=TLayout(F).AbsoluteRect; M.Inflate(0, -10); if M.contains(T.Location) then begin L:=TLine(TLayout(F).Children[0]); R:=TRoundRect(L.Children[0]); P:=TLayout(F).AbsoluteToLocal(T.Location); P.X:=R.Position.X; P.Y:=P.Y - 10 - R.Height * 0.5; R.Position.Point:=P; end; end; end; end; end;
  5. How can i display different images from a website when a item from a ComboEdit here is the website https://weather.ral.ucar.edu/upper/ on the the website there is a map and the labels are clickable and i would like the image to be displayed in ImageViewer
  6. So i want to display files from a website and displaying the files onto these comboboxes and here is the website and url https://thredds.ucar.edu/thredds/catalog/satellite/goes/east/grb/ABI/CONUS/Channel01/20221007/catalog.html and yes i am aware that you can double click the combobox to add items but i want to add the files without manually adding the items/files
  7. I'm trying to visualize Weather Alert Polygons onto a 3d sphere how can i make my own shapefile viewer using .PAS and display the data like its another bitmap texture that's the best way i can describe it.
  8. Linuxuser1234

    How can i display (Visualize/Read) Shapefiles onto a 3d sphere

    @dummzeuch How can i automatically extract the shapefile
  9. Linuxuser1234

    How can i display (Visualize/Read) Shapefiles onto a 3d sphere

    and here is where i got the shapefile data from https://www.weather.gov/source/crh/shapefiles/
  10. Linuxuser1234

    How can i display skew t and hodograph plots

    I made a popup window and inside that window i would like to display skew-t and hodographs plots and there is a library called metpy but its for python and python doesn't work on delphi fmx
  11. Linuxuser1234

    How can i display skew t and hodograph plots

    @Serge_G im going to use just delphi would i use Tchart or how can i make my own plotting chart from scratch without using Tchart
  12. Linuxuser1234

    How to display weather data onto a sphere

    @dummzeuch do you know how to display this popup form i made when i click on the goes button
  13. Linuxuser1234

    How to display weather data onto a sphere

    @dummzeuch also do you know how i can plot wind vectors like this
  14. Linuxuser1234

    How to display weather data onto a sphere

    @Doug Rudd the data i get is from thredds so i dont know how to even convert the data to be visualized in delphi and nobody from unidata knows either