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Alberto Meyer

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Everything posted by Alberto Meyer

  1. Alberto Meyer

    Net Find Component

    Hello. I downloaded the Net Find component from the ICS website but I'm having difficulties adapting to the new versions of Delphi and ICS. Can someone help me? Thank you very much. Problem is in uses Wsocket, WsocketS. If i change to new ICS sockets, get a problem in TSockAddrIn { NetFind ======= Developed by Sven Schmidts (schmidts@cdesign.de) Use this component to make a broadcast and find all PC's, on wich this component is running. You can send your own data to the PC's and receive the data, that is send back within addional strings. Using: 1. Drop the component on the form 2. Set "Timeout", this is the time (mSek) to wait for answers 3. Set the "Port", this must be the same as on the client. Requests and answer are made on the same port! 4. Define the events - OnClientFound (called on Server-side) This is called if a client answer to your request. You can handle it by your own or let the component do the work. Every answer is saved into an internal array, so you can handle it later. - OnFoundDone (called on Server-side) This is called after "Timeout" is reached. Now you have access to the Array "ClientList", wich save the answers from the clients. - OnRequest (called on Client-Side) Is called, if a request comes in. You can answer with a string or let the component do the work. 5. Start the application on server an client 6. On Server call ".Find" Method with an optional initial-string 7. Have fun ... ;) } unit NetFind; interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, ExtCtrls, WSocket, WSocketS, WinSock; type TFoundEvent = Procedure(Sender:TObject;Client:TWSocket;FromIP,FromPCName,Data:String) of object; TRequestEvent = Procedure(Sender:TObject;Client:TWSocket;FromIP,FromPCName,Data:String; var Answer: string) of object; TFoundDoneEvent = Procedure(Sender:TObject) of object; RClients = Record IP :String; Name :String; Answer:String; end; TNetFind = class(TComponent) private { Private-Deklarationen } protected FActive:Boolean; FPort:String; FLocalPCName:String; FTimeout:DWord; FTimer:TTimer; FTagStr:String; SocketServer:TWSocketServer; FOnClientFound : TFoundEvent; FOnRequest: TRequestEvent; FFoundDoneEvent: TFoundDoneEvent; procedure SocketServerDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; Error: Word); procedure SetActive(Value:Boolean); procedure SetPCName(Default:String); function ExtractPCName(var Source:String):String; procedure TimerTimeout(Sender: TObject); public ClientList: Array of RClients; procedure Find(InitMessage:String); published constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property TagStr:String read FTagStr write FTagStr; property Active:Boolean read FActive write SetActive; property Port:String read FPort write FPort; property LocalPCName:String read FLocalPCName; property FindTimeout: DWord read FTimeout write FTimeout default 3000; property OnClientFound:TFoundEvent read FOnClientFound write FOnClientFound; property OnRequest: TRequestEvent read FOnRequest write FOnRequest; property OnFoundDone: TFoundDoneEvent read FFoundDoneEvent write FFoundDoneEvent; end; procedure Register; implementation const IsRequest = #17; IsAnswer = #20; Delimiter = '|'; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('FPiette', [TNetFind]); end; constructor TNetFind.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin SocketServer := TWSocketServer.Create(self); SocketServer.Proto := 'udp'; SocketServer.OnDataAvailable := SocketServerDataAvailable; FTimer := TTimer.Create(Self); FTimer.Enabled := false; FTimer.OnTimer := TimerTimeout; end; FPort := '2899'; FindTimeout := 3000; SetPCName('netfindpc'); SetLength(ClientList,0); end; destructor TNetFind.Destroy; begin Try If Assigned(SocketServer) then SocketServer.Free; If Assigned(FTimer) then FTimer.Free; SetLength(ClientList,0); Except End; inherited destroy; end; procedure TNetFind.SetPCName(Default:String); var ComputerName : PChar; NameSize : DWORD; begin Try If Default<>'' then FLocalPCName := Default; ComputerName := #0; NameSize := MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; try GetMem(ComputerName, NameSize); Windows.GetComputerName(ComputerName, NameSize); If Trim(StrPas(ComputerName))<>'' then FLocalPCName:= StrPas(ComputerName); finally FreeMem(ComputerName); end; Except End; end; function TNetFind.ExtractPCName(var Source:String):String; begin Result := ''; If Source='' then exit; Result := Copy(Source,0,Pos(Delimiter,Source)-1); Source := Copy(Source,Pos(Delimiter,Source)+1,Length(Source)); end; procedure TNetFind.TimerTimeout(Sender: TObject); begin FTimer.Enabled := false; If Assigned(FFoundDoneEvent) then FFoundDoneEvent(Self); End; procedure TNetFind.SetActive(Value:Boolean); begin If not Assigned(SocketServer) then exit; If Value<>FActive then begin If Value then begin SocketServer.Addr := ''; SocketServer.Port := FPort; end; If Value then SocketServer.Listen Else SocketServer.Close; FActive := Value; end; end; procedure TNetFind.Find(InitMessage:String); var TempSocket:TWSocket; begin SetLength(ClientList,0); If not Assigned(SocketServer) then exit; Try If (FLocalPCName='') then SetPCName('netfindpc'); TempSocket := TWSocket.Create(Self); TempSocket.Proto := 'udp'; TempSocket.Addr := ''; TempSocket.Port := FPort; TempSocket.LocalAddr := ''; TempSocket.Connect; TempSocket.SendStr(IsRequest+FLocalPCName+Delimiter+InitMessage); TempSocket.Close; TempSocket.Free; If FTimeout>0 then begin FTimer.Interval := FTimeout; FTimer.Enabled := true; End else FTimer.Enabled := false; Except end; end; procedure TNetFind.SocketServerDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; Error: Word); var Buffer : array [0..1023] of char; Len : Integer; Src : TSockAddrIn; SrcLen : Integer; Client : TWSocket; FromIP, FromPCName, Data, DataToSend:String; TempSocket:TWSocket; DoAnswer:Boolean; begin If Error<>0 then exit; Try Client := TWSocket(Sender); SrcLen := SizeOf(Src); Len := Client.ReceiveFrom(@Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), Src, SrcLen); If (Len>0) then begin FromIP := StrPas(inet_ntoa(Src.sin_addr)); Data := Copy(StrPas(Buffer),1,Len); DoAnswer := (Data[1]=IsRequest); Data := Copy(Data,2,Length(Data)); If Pos(Delimiter,Data)>0 then FromPCName := ExtractPCName(Data) else FromPCName := ''; DataToSend := 'Hello to '+FromIP; { It's an answer to our request ... } If not DoAnswer then begin SetLength(ClientList,Length(ClientList)+1); ClientList[Length(ClientList)-1].IP := FromIP; ClientList[Length(ClientList)-1].Name := FromPCName; ClientList[Length(ClientList)-1].Answer:= Data; If Assigned(FOnClientFound) then FOnClientFound(Self,Client,FromIP,FromPCName,Data); { We received a request, answer ... } end else If ((DataToSend<>'') and (FromPCName<>FLocalPCName)) then begin DataToSend := ''; If Assigned(FOnRequest) then FOnRequest(Self,Client,FromIP,FromPCName,Data,DataToSend); TempSocket := TWSocket.Create(Self); TempSocket.Proto := 'udp'; TempSocket.Addr := FromIP; TempSocket.Port := FPort; TempSocket.LocalAddr := ''; TempSocket.Connect; TempSocket.SendStr(IsAnswer+FLocalPCName+Delimiter+DataToSend); TempSocket.Close; TempSocket.Free; End; End; Except End; end; end.
  2. Alberto Meyer

    Net Find Component

    It freezes IDE when PUT in a form. Maybe the component is too oldInsert other media
  3. Alberto Meyer

    Net Find Component

    Bingo!!!! Thank you François and all others. Good luck on Catar 2022
  4. Alberto Meyer

    Net Find Component

    I Change "WSocket, WSocketS" to "OverbyteIcsWSocket, OverbyteIcsWSocketS" Error in "Src: TSockAddrIn" is E2023: Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical at line 220
  5. Alberto Meyer

    Net Find Component

    Error in compiling the component. I forget to change "AnsiStrings and Char to AnsiChar". I will try that "Or are you expecting someone to correct, build and debug it for you? " No, i really ask for help in make this work. I never touch in this socket stuff before. I thought that component was in use for another people. I will try "What error message give the compiler." I will try later today and post here. I really appreciate your efforts. Thanks a lot
  6. Alberto Meyer

    Net Find Component

    Sydney 10.4.2. Code won´t compile. problem uses WSocket, WSocketS When i change for the ICS equivalent, problem in Src : TSockAddrIn;