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Everything posted by programmerdelphi2k
did you try as Admin? did you try create the first folder: ".......\SDKs\iPhoneSimulator16.4.sdk" using your common win-user? did uou try use "Update Local File cache" button?
Assign KeyDown function to btnClick
programmerdelphi2k replied to Willicious's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
you can call the event as: ComponentXXXX.EventNameXXXX( ... params ) -> like do the Form definitions! Button1.OnClick(Self); -
Assign KeyDown function to btnClick
programmerdelphi2k replied to Willicious's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Assign KeyDown function to btnClick
programmerdelphi2k replied to Willicious's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
maybe some like this help you? same that your Edit/Memo-controls is focused, this works! // a easy way... procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Label1.Caption := 'message button1'; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Label1.Caption := 'message button2'; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Form1.KeyPreview := true; // <---- to OnKeyDown,etc... end; procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = vk_return { and other verifications... } then Button1.Click; end; -
"ReadLN" dont? or https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2591774/how-to-create-a-console-application-that-does-not-terminate
nevermind... I forgot that BDE dont propagate the "session name" automatically!
Output from Tree View when using Arrow Keys (as well as Mouse Click)
programmerdelphi2k replied to Willicious's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
look, same that you "disable it or hide it" or use "ATable.Datasource := nil" etc... , the record still scrolling in background (memory)
no! no! no! Eistein who knows?
@PenelopeSkye if you are using the Dataset (ATable or your dataset xxx) in your Form/Datamodule that is " the same" dataset using in "while not ATable.EOF....", then, you will have a "side effect" in your screen: record rolling your dbgrid or any other component or memory (if you dont use any other component binded in your datasource! how to solve it? use a "new" dataset (TEMPORARY to any other actions, like: catch the values, print, etc...) to your SQL actions! aNewTable := TFDQuery.Create; ..... ANewTable.Open( '..... sql.....' ); when end, free it: FreeAndNil(ANewTable); summary: dont use the same dataset to "scroll your records"! that way, you dont need "close" and "open" your "read dataset = used in your forms, for example"!
... or directly in your code. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LText : string; begin EmployeeTable.Close; EmployeeTable.Open('Select * from employee'); EmployeeTable.First; // LText := ''; // while not EmployeeTable.Eof do begin LText := LText + slinebreak + EmployeeTable.FieldByName('FIRST_NAME').AsString { + ... other fields values }; // EmployeeTable.Next; end; // if not LText.IsEmpty then Memo1.Text := LText.Remove(0, 2); end;
@PenelopeSkye try some like this: just note that my function it's not really generic ok? it's just a simple sample! type TMyRecordWithValues = record FEmpNo: integer; FEmpFirstName: string; FEmpBirthday: TDate; end; function MyListOfValuesInMyTableByFields(const ATable: TFDQuery; const ASQL: string; out AError: string): TArray<TMyRecordWithValues>; var LTableIsActive : boolean; LOldSQL : string; LMyRecordWithValues: TMyRecordWithValues; begin result := []; // if (ATable = nil) or (ASQL.IsEmpty) then exit; // LTableIsActive := ATable.Active; // if need use old statement... else, remove this 2 lines and vars definitions! LOldSQL := ATable.SQL.Text; // if LTableIsActive then ATable.Close; // free any resource... if necessary! // try try ATable.Open(ASQL); ATable.First; // while not ATable.Eof do begin LMyRecordWithValues.FEmpNo := ATable.FieldByName('EMP_NO').AsInteger; LMyRecordWithValues.FEmpFirstName := ATable.FieldByName('FIRST_NAME').AsString; LMyRecordWithValues.FEmpBirthday := ATable.FieldByName('HIRE_DATE').AsDateTime; // result := result + [LMyRecordWithValues]; // ATable.Next; end; except on E: Exception do begin result := []; AError := E.Message; end; end; finally ATable.Close; // if LTableIsActive then ATable.Open(LOldSQL); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LText : string; LError: string; begin for var R in MyListOfValuesInMyTableByFields(EmployeeTable, 'select * from employee', LError) do LText := LText + slinebreak + R.FEmpNo.ToString + ', ' + R.FEmpFirstName + ', ' + DateToStr(R.FEmpBirthday); // if not LError.IsEmpty then Memo1.Text := LError else if not LText.IsEmpty then Memo1.Text := LText.Remove(0, 2); end;
Justification for Header different to resto column in TListView?
programmerdelphi2k replied to Ian Branch's topic in General Help
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/win32/api/commctrl/ns-commctrl-lvcolumna?redirectedfrom=MSDN Alignment of the column header and the subitem text in the column. The alignment of the leftmost column is always LVCFMT_LEFT; it cannot be changed. This member can be a combination of the following values. Note that not all combinations are valid. -
Justification for Header different to resto column in TListView?
programmerdelphi2k replied to Ian Branch's topic in General Help
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyListColumn: TListColumn; MyListItem : TListItem; begin ListView1.Columns.Clear; ListView1.ViewStyle := TViewStyle.vsReport; // MyListColumn := ListView1.Columns.Add; // 0 MyListColumn.Width := 150; MyListColumn.Alignment := TAlignment.taLeftJustify; // alignment of the leftmost column is always LVCFMT_LEFT MyListColumn.Caption := 'LeftJustify'; MyListColumn.Width := 0; // a "hack" // MyListColumn := ListView1.Columns.Add; // 1 MyListColumn.Width := 150; MyListColumn.Alignment := TAlignment.taCenter; MyListColumn.Caption := 'CenterJustify'; // MyListColumn := ListView1.Columns.Add; // 2 MyListColumn.Width := 150; MyListColumn.Alignment := TAlignment.taRightJustify; MyListColumn.Caption := 'RightJustify'; // MyListColumn := ListView1.Columns.Add; // 3 MyListColumn.Width := 150; MyListColumn.Alignment := TAlignment.taCenter; MyListColumn.Caption := 'CenterJustify'; // // 4 columns: 0, 1, 2, 3: MyListItem := ListView1.Items.Add; MyListItem.Caption := 'Item1'; // Column 0 MyListItem.SubItems.Text := 'SubItem1'; // Column 1 MyListItem.SubItems.Add('SubItem1.1'); // Column 2 MyListItem.SubItems.Add('SubItem1.1.1'); // Column 3 end; -
TValueListEditor how to catch exception when key exist?
programmerdelphi2k replied to softtouch's topic in VCL
...was what it said! -
TValueListEditor how to catch exception when key exist?
programmerdelphi2k replied to softtouch's topic in VCL
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LRow: Integer; begin ValueListEditor1.KeyOptions := [keyUnique]; // quickly... { if not ValueListEditor1.Strings.Text.Contains('key1=') then // function TValueListStrings.KeyIsValid(const Key: string; RaiseError: Boolean = True): Boolean; ValueListEditor1.InsertRow('key1', 'hello', true); } // if (keyUnique in ValueListEditor1.KeyOptions) and ValueListEditor1.FindRow('key1', LRow) then begin if (LRow = -1) then ValueListEditor1.InsertRow('key1', 'hello', true) end else ValueListEditor1.InsertRow('key1', 'hello', true); // Memo1.Text := ValueListEditor1.Strings.Text; end; -
Delphi says "x is not a valid integer value"
programmerdelphi2k replied to 357mag's topic in General Help
if TryStrToInt('hello', LResult) and (LResult >0) then ShowMessage(' it,s good for us :) '); -
if the "Button" is focused, you can use its events togheter with mouse-click too but "GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0"; is better, of course! var LText: string; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin caption := LText + ' OnClick - 2º'; end; procedure TForm1.Button1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin LText := Key.ToString; // Ctrl = 17 end; procedure TForm1.Button1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin LText := 'no key pressed'; end; procedure TForm1.Button1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin caption := LText + ' OnMouseDown - 1º'; end;
Delphi says "x is not a valid integer value"
programmerdelphi2k replied to 357mag's topic in General Help
The excence of the alternative functions in question is the same! Val(S, Value, E); What distinguishes the two is just how the return is reported to the user: returns a boolean; the other an integer; however, the "out" parameter has the same function: capture the value, a value "pre-defined" by the user, and use it: either through a variable informed by the user, or through the return of the function. they are two flavors of the same fruit! // none error at all, just "is valid or not?" var LResult: integer; begin if StrToIntDef('hello', 0) = 0 then ShowMessage('bye bye'); // LResult := StrToIntDef('hello', 0); // if (LResult = 0) then ShowMessage('bye bye'); // // if TryStrToInt('hello', LResult) then { ... }; // if (LResult = 0) then ShowMessage('bye bye'); -
nevermind ... sorry
Delphi says "x is not a valid integer value"
programmerdelphi2k replied to 357mag's topic in General Help
yahooo!!!! -
@Nigel Thomas
show your code... then, I'll know.
Delphi says "x is not a valid integer value"
programmerdelphi2k replied to 357mag's topic in General Help
@Remy Lebeau right! but "StrToxxxxxxDEF(....)" it's more flexible (it dont needs a "var" to receive "out param...") var v: integer; // mandatory to TryStrToxxxx(...) begin TryStrToInt('x', v); // more conservadore (* function TryStrToInt(const S: string; out Value: Integer): Boolean; var E: Integer; begin Val(S, Value, E); Result := E = 0; // exchanging 6 for half a dozen end; *) // StrToIntDef('x', 0); // more flexible (* function StrToIntDef(const S: string; Default: Integer): Integer; var E: Integer; begin Val(S, Result, E); if E <> 0 then Result := Default; // exchanging 6 for half a dozen end; *) // at end, if works it's good too! -
Delphi says "x is not a valid integer value"
programmerdelphi2k replied to 357mag's topic in General Help
your CPU it's very fast... there is a delay time... it's ok! 😂 ...1, 2, 3, 5, 8... ops! starting again... bip! bip!