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Everything posted by programmerdelphi2k

  1. programmerdelphi2k

    Edits not saved??

  2. programmerdelphi2k

    Edits not saved??

    I think you are getting confused among so many "shared units" between projects...
  3. programmerdelphi2k

    Edits not saved??

    RAD has a "Automatic Backup" in TOOL menu... but not "Restore Automatic..."
  4. programmerdelphi2k

    Edits not saved??

    same in History... does not happens automatically... needs user do it. (Revert action )
  5. programmerdelphi2k

    Edits not saved??

    will be? ... do the test NOW (.. let's try reproduce it) i'll wait here
  6. programmerdelphi2k

    bitmap is not displayed

    @milurt say more about your project: what MSWindows you are using? what Delphi you are using? why you needs a non-conventional way to create your GUI app (go backing to the caves)? what your real objective with all this?
  7. programmerdelphi2k

    Edits not saved??

    you say: open a unit, do the changes, save it, close IDE... when open again you unit was not changed? is this?
  8. programmerdelphi2k

    Edits not saved??

    You give very little information and it's not possible to reproduce anything... and, RAD doesn't have an automatic "undo", so your problem shouldn't be that.
  9. programmerdelphi2k

    bitmap is not displayed

    me too... im getting "runtime error 216" behind form-main in showmessage (old run error...) in first run... later, run ok and show bmp into form
  10. programmerdelphi2k

    SetPropValue by Name

    for sure, email me
  11. programmerdelphi2k

    SetPropValue by Name

    1) var LVal : variant := GetPropValue(Panel1, 'Align'); // get it value 2) will be this? {case} if VarType( LVal ) = varUString { varString, etc... } then SetPropValue(Button1, 'Align', string( LVal ) );
  12. programmerdelphi2k

    SetPropValue by Name

    in fact, in RAD 11.3 " SetPropValue(Button1, 'Align', 'alRight'); " works... because the "variant" is accepted and internally is used as "tkEnumeration:" type. look at "procedure SetPropValue(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: Variant);" in System.TypInfo.pas ---> SetEnumProp(Instance, PropInfo, VarToStr(Value)) --------> procedure SetEnumProp(Instance: TObject; PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: string); get the "name" of each value in TAlign and compare it.... if ok, result "Data := GetEnumValue(PropInfo^.PropType^, Value);" ------- edited ------ see "System.TypInfo.Set/GetVariantProp" + SetPropValue() usage! https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/System.TypInfo.SetVariantProp https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/System.TypInfo.GetVariantProp or look this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45987321/change-component-properties-using-setpropvalue-and-rtti-with-delphi-tokyo
  13. programmerdelphi2k

    bitmap is not displayed

    try put a "wait me please" in last line...
  14. programmerdelphi2k

    Using Bass.dll and add-ons in a Delphi project

    in your link you can see download Win32bit for example: https://www.un4seen.com/download.php?bass24 you can find 2 DLL ( 32bits on root folders, and 64bits on "base24\x64) you can find the demo folder "delphi\...." <--- many demos for study now you can do this: copy the "bass.DLL - 32 or 64bits" where your "exe" will be generated, ex. if testing in Debug mode c:\mytest\myBassDemo\Win32\Debug <-- here your EXE, then, here should be DLL basically, you need copy the "DLL" where will be your EXE
  15. programmerdelphi2k

    compiling DCU without creating EXE

    BC = before Christ AC = after Christ JC = Just Christ save!
  16. programmerdelphi2k

    compiling DCU without creating EXE

    ...and was necessary an AI to show (to him) this how much resources invested for so little return... maybe GPT 4.0 will be more useful. 😂
  17. programmerdelphi2k

    Methods from Libraries (bpl or pas) in Apps??

    now, see how many "things" can be found in your app with a simple "Form1" empty... nothing more than this you can repeat the Notepad++ open Exe and find all types/class showed here!!! all will be found ... but YOU dont coded nothing isnt ? +/- Lines: 1361, Types: 534, Others: 827 (classes) var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses System.Rtti; var LTypesCount: array [0 .. 1] of integer = ( 0, 0 ); procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LCtx : TRttiContext; LType: TRttiType; LText: string; begin LCtx := TRttiContext.Create; // for LType in LCtx.GetTypes do begin if LType.IsInstance then begin LText := LText + '===> Instance: ' + LType.Name + slinebreak; inc(LTypesCount[0]); end else begin LText := LText + ' Type: ' + LType.Name + slinebreak; inc(LTypesCount[1]); end; end; // Memo1.Text := LText; // // Lines: 1424, Types: 515, Others: 814 Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Lines: %d, Types: %d, Others: %d', [Memo1.Lines.Count, LTypesCount[0], LTypesCount[1]])); // // "----> Instance: TMessageListenerMethod" I can find it, but it was not directly referenced in my code! end; end.
  18. programmerdelphi2k

    Why does CoInitializeEx returns 1 or $80010106 ?

    I dont know almost nothing about COM usage, but if you check if "initproc" before any usage... it was assigned, dont help you? if Assigned(InitProc) then
  19. programmerdelphi2k

    Why does CoInitializeEx returns 1 or $80010106 ?

    I think that Remy it's more xperient in "deep MSWin"... and maybe can help better than me sorry if I cannot
  20. programmerdelphi2k

    Why does CoInitializeEx returns 1 or $80010106 ?

    now try this "without any" other code in your form sample (just "empty project": procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(InitProc) then ShowMessage('InitProc assigned') else ShowMessage('InitProc NOT assigned'); end;
  21. programmerdelphi2k

    Why does CoInitializeEx returns 1 or $80010106 ?

    look at: VCL -> System.Win.ComObj.pas, line 2600 (RAD 11.3)... and "finalization" section procedure InitComObj; begin if InitComObjCalled then Exit; if SaveInitProc <> nil then TProcedure(SaveInitProc); if (CoInitFlags <> -1) and Assigned(System.Win.ComObj.CoInitializeEx) then begin NeedToUninitialize := Succeeded(System.Win.ComObj.CoInitializeEx(nil, CoInitFlags)); IsMultiThread := IsMultiThread or ((CoInitFlags and COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) <> 0) or (CoInitFlags = COINIT_MULTITHREADED); // this flag has value zero end else NeedToUninitialize := Succeeded(CoInitialize(nil)); InitComObjCalled := True; end;
  22. programmerdelphi2k

    [FMX beginner] Key Handling

    in fact, ALT+any-key beeps happens same that your app has just 1 form and nothing more... in RAD 11.3 here (VCL or FMX)
  23. programmerdelphi2k

    Win32 remote debugging broken on Windows 11 ?

    another thing, PAServer is a INDY app :)
  24. programmerdelphi2k

    Spring4d compile error on Delphi CE 10.4.2

    to manuall install, have you updated your "...Delphi\Library\Library Path" (indicating all folders used to find .pas or .dcu source) on TOOL menu, for example? Library Path = to compiler Browsing Path = to code-editor Debug Path = to debug :_)
  25. programmerdelphi2k

    FMX Default style in TStyleBook

    not necessarily decrease the size of the final binary code, but rather meet the needs of each target platform. consequently, it can decrease or increase the final code. regarding the use of directives, it is something positive.