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  1. jjw

    Find, Replace and Save

    Will this work? memo2.Text := StringReplace(memo1.Text, 'TextToRepace', 'ReplaceWith', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
  2. Hey Can someone help me please or point me in the right direction. im trying to figure out how i can get the response headers from the TSslHttpRest here is my scenario: I need to get multiple JSON files from a web API (Containing 2 parameters and 1 authentication header) *sslhttprest.RestParams.AddItem('page_number', inttostr(x)); *sslhttprest.RestParams.AddItem('page_size', inttostr(y)); & * sslhttprest.ExtraHeaders.Add('Authorization: xxxx'); Downloading the JSON file to Stream / File works fine. but i need the additional response header info, supplied by the 3rd party, as it contains additional basic info that i need to abide by (how many calls per minute i can make vs how many i already did) is this possible? Screenshot from Postman' Response below Thanks in advance JJ