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Posts posted by Kyle_Katarn

  1. 5 minutes ago, Angus Robertson said:

    Sorry, not interested how ICS V6 behaved, it has changed a little since then.




    I've sent to my users 2 test apps :

    - One with 8.59 and Command/Headers logging. Will allow to see if it behaves differently than 8.62

    - One with 8.62 forcing httpAuthBasic instead of httpAuthNone


    I'll share the results here.

  2. { V8.62 if proxy URL is passed, parse it as proxy properties }
        { http://[user[:password]@]host:port }
        if (Length(FProxyURL) > 6) and (Pos (':', Copy(FProxyURL, 6, 9999)) > 5) then begin
            ParseURL(FProxyURL, Proto, User, Pass, Host, Port, Path);
            { pending, check https for SSL prpoxy, maybe socks for socks proxy }
            if Proto = 'http' then begin
                FProxy := Host;
                FProxyPort := Port;
                FProxyUsername := User;
                FProxyPassword := Pass;
                if (FProxyUsername <> '') and (FProxyPassword <> '') then
                    FProxyAuth := httpAuthBasic;

    Wouldn't it be wiser to do FProxyAuth := httpAuthBasic; only if FProxyAuth = httpAuthNone ?

    Otherwise, if user has selected httpAuthNtlm (or other) then settings is lost and non-overridable


    Likely minor issue (and this may help me to solve my other issue by forcing basicAuth)

  3. 1 hour ago, Angus Robertson said:

    I'm not really sure how authentication works with proxies, there are separate authentication properties for server and proxy, both default to off.  Not sure which causes Authorization: NTLMto be added or if it;'s different for a proxy.  You must set ProxyAuth to httpAuthBasic, to use Basic and supply a proxy login.



    OK, thanks, i'll test.


    Meanwhile, isn't my issue close to this "old" discussion ? https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=twsocket@elists.org&amp;q=subject:"Re%3A+[twsocket]+THttpCli+NTLM+OverbyteIcsBcb100Package"&amp;o=newest&amp;f=1

    See message from 2011

    It works fine for No Basic Authentication but when I configure for NTLM one of my clients is reporting a failure i.e. cannot download You should realy move to v7, v6 is obsolete and not maintained for years now. Some bugs have been fixed in the NTLM code since then, as I already wrote in a previous PM.

  4. I'm back with some logs !

    Some context :

    - works correctly when built with 8.59 from all machines from the network

    - works correctly when built with 8.62 from some machine on the network but not all (but all using the same proxy and proxy settings). When fail, it faiuls systematically with the headers below.



    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:04]    Host: www.kc-softwares.com
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:04]    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:04]    Accept-Language: fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:04]    Connection: Keep-alive
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:04]    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:04]    GET http://www.kc-softwares.com/sumo/check.php HTTP/1.0


    Received Headers :

    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Content-Length: 921
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Connection: close
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Proxy-Connection: close
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Pragma: no-cache
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Proxy-Authenticate: BASIC realm="Realm_IWA_BRKRZLCL"
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Proxy-Authenticate: NTLM
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    Proxy-Authenticate: NEGOTIATE
    Verbose    [19-08-27 09:38:03]    HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required
