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Posts posted by fcknbstrd

  1. Thank you very much for the tutorial link. 

    I seems I did all the basic stuff, you've mentioned there.


    Except the idea with a converter. Could be worth a try! 👍

    Even if it seems illogical to me, because all is of the same data type.

  2. Hey everyone,


    I'm trying to use LiveBindings designer for connecting my Node components (TComponent) to each other (unidirectional).


    So I'm building a package with those components and followed the instructions on documentation, here: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Tutorial:_Creating_LiveBindings-Enabled_Components


    + I'm overwriting CanObserve() and ObserverAdded() methods in basis node class

    + I'm calling Data.Bind.Components.RegisterObservableMember() for each property

    + I've set attributes with [ObservableMember('...')]

    + I've set all read-only (output) and write-only (input) to the same type "TComponentName" (because object types are not possible in LB designer)


    But now I'm struggling with problems:

    + for example: a connections between TAttributeShaderNode.Output -> TMulShaderNode.Left ... OR a connections TTexture2DShaderNode.Output -> TPixelOutputShaderNode.Input ... are forbidden

    + registered properties are not visible by default: i have to explicitly select them


    Does anyone have experiences in building components for live bindings usage?

    Can that even be solved?


    I attached the source code file.



  3. I found a solution myself. I've built a separate JavaClass lib which accesses the AR-JAR.

    I call loadTarget() inside of Java, to prevent creating a TJavaLocal in Delphi.


    There seems to be a problem with TJavaLocal (ProxyInterface / InvocationHandler) in new compilers.

    Because the 3rd party AR-suite declares callback interfaces with an "invoke" callback method:


    package cn.easyar;
    public interface FunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool {
      void invoke(Target paramTarget, boolean paramBoolean);

    The call on FunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool.invoke (performed by the 3rd party library, using JNI) leads to a method collision, because InvocationHandler itself declares also an "invoke" method.

    JNI picks the wrong "invoke" method which leads to the error message:

    java_vm_ext.cc:542] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: the return type of CallVoidMethodV does not match void cn.easyar.FunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool.invoke(cn.easyar.Target, boolean)


  4. Hello,


    I'm getting an error log message (Android Device Monitor) in my Android app built with Delphi 10.3.2, tested on a Nokia 7 (Android 9) and NVIDIA Shield K1 tablet (Android 7):

    java_vm_ext.cc:542] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: the return type of CallVoidMethodV does not match void cn.easyar.FunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool.invoke(cn.easyar.Target, boolean)

    I'm building an AR framework with an external library and it crashes when I try to load an image target for AR detection.

    The weird thing is: that I have an older project (created with 10.3.1) where the framework runs successfully, ... but only on the Shield tablet (Android 7).

    But when creating a new project with 10.3.2 my framework do not run on any device.


    Is there any difference in project files, that could have influence?

    The method signature seems okey to me for a CallVoidMethodV call.



    The interface is declared in third party JAR as:

    package cn.easyar;
    public interface FunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool {
      void invoke(Target paramTarget, boolean paramBoolean);

    The interface declaration in Delphi JNI file, looks like:

    JFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBoolClass = interface(IJavaClass)
    JFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool = interface(IJavaInstance)
      {class} procedure invoke(P1: Jeasyar_Target; P2: Boolean); cdecl;
    TJFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool = class(TJavaGenericImport<JFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBoolClass, JFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool>) end;

    It seems to be a callback, so I declared a TJavaLocal, like this:

    TFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBoolProxy = class(TJavaLocal, JFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool)
        constructor Create();
        { JFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool }
        procedure invoke(P1: Jeasyar_Target; P2: Boolean); cdecl;
    { Implementation of JavaLocal }
    constructor TFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBoolProxy.Create();
      inherited Create();
    procedure TFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBoolProxy.invoke(P1: Jeasyar_Target;
      P2: Boolean); cdecl;
      if P2 then
        FMX.Types.Log.D('target ' + JStringToString(P1.name) + ' loaded')
        FMX.Types.Log.D('failed to load target ' + JStringToString(P1.name));

    The functor is getting used the following way:

    FOnLoadTarget := TJFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool.Wrap(
    	(TFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBoolProxy.Create() as ILocalObject).GetObjectID()
    // loading the target with callback
    FTracker.LoadTarget(FTarget, FScheduler, FOnLoadTarget);

    Used fields are declared like that:

    // field declarations
    FScheduler : JDelayedCallbackScheduler; // inherited from JCallbackScheduler
    FTracker : JImageTracker;
    FTarget : JImageTarget; // inherited from Jeasyar_Target
    FOnLoadTarget : JFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool;


    The tracker "loadTarget" method is declared as:

      JImageTrackerClass = interface(JRefBaseClass)
      JImageTracker = interface(JRefBase)
        procedure loadTarget(P1: Jeasyar_Target; P2: JCallbackScheduler; P3: JFunctorOfVoidFromTargetAndBool); cdecl;
      TJImageTracker = class(TJavaGenericImport<JImageTrackerClass, JImageTracker>) end;

    Remarks: The "loadTarget" method is loading an image file as target asynchronously in a separate thread.



    I would be pleased if anyone has an idea on that, because I'm stucked for a while now :)


    (Notice: I attached the complete logfile output for more details.)

