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Posts posted by MichaelPrice

  1. I have run through all the replies unfortunately still not working. So made a very simple app, runs on test machine (windows 11), move to Microsoft server 2022 cannot find ssl, move to one of my old servers Microsoft 2012 R2 runs. So it has to be the server that indy does not like. Obvious answer run on the 2012 server but it is be decommissioned so unfortunately not an option.

    So is there a compatibility problem with Indy and Windows server 2022?  

  2. Hi Lajos

    Thanks for coming back so fast. not sure how to use WhichFailedToLoad  but will look it up and come back. I used the dll's that came with Delphi, I also downloaded others from the internet. The strange thing is that it works perfectly on my development machine windows 11 and I have tried the exact same Dll's on the server. By the way the SSL is definitely working correctly on the server. Other sites on the same secured and working so the certificates are valid.

  3. I am programming a rest sever in Delphi 11 It has the standard Indy installed.  Ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll are in the same directory as the exe. When run on development machine all starts ok.

    Copy exe and the dll’s to a directory on my windows 2022 server and it gives  ‘could not load ssl library’ I have set in code IdOpenSSLSetLibPath('c:\TestDLL') which I believe should not be necessary if the dlls are in the same directory still the same error. I have installed Indy directly on the server same error.

    The rest server used to run ok on Microsoft server 2012 is there settings I am missing on new server?
