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Jean Vandromme

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Everything posted by Jean Vandromme

  1. I try since several days now to get a json array from a dataset query from a MARS server (FiredacBasic demo) If I use a simple dataset like this: [GET, Path('/employees'), Produces(TMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), IsReference] function getEmployees: TFDDataSet; function TMainDataResource.getEmployees: TFDDataSet; begin Result := qEmployees; end; I get this in chrome: this in Postman: this error in Angular with a simple call like this: getEmployees(): Observable<Employee> { return this.http.get<Employee>('http://localhost:8080/rest/default/maindata/employees') .pipe( tap(data => console.log(data)) ); } If I use a datasets array: [GET, Path('/employees'), Produces(TMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), IsReference] function getEmployees: TArray<TFDDataSet>; function TMainDataResource.getEmployees: TArray<TFDDataSet>; begin Result := [qEmployees]; end; I get this in chrome: this in postman: and no error in angular: Any clue how to solve this ? Thanks
  2. Jean Vandromme


    Yes, thanks though !
  3. Jean Vandromme

    MARS, angular, firedac, json

    You were right (again, like always 🙂 I add in my GET call in angular an option for content: httpOptions = { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' }) } getEmployees(): Observable<any> { return this.http.get<any>('http://localhost:8080/rest/default/maindata/employees', this.httpOptions) .pipe( tap(data => console.log(data)) ); } and now, I get a correct json array in angular: I still don't understand why it is necessary in one case and not the other ? Thanks again, Hope it will help others
  4. Jean Vandromme

    MARS, angular, firedac, json

    There's a DOMException with message 'Microsoft MSXML is not installed' ? MSXML 3,4,5 and 6 are installed I run a Windows 10 Family OS
  5. Jean Vandromme

    MARS, angular, firedac, json

    Here are the 2 printscreens: with array: without:
  6. Jean Vandromme

    MARS, angular, firedac, json

    The differences between the 2 responses (array vs no array) from MARS is the content-type: with array: Content-Type=*/* without array: Content-Type=text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
  7. Jean Vandromme

    MARS, angular, firedac, json

    Here is the XHR request curl "http://localhost:8080/rest/default/maindata/employees" -H "Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*" -H "Referer: http://localhost:4200/employees-list" -H "Origin: http://localhost:4200" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.131 Safari/537.36" --compressed
  8. Jean Vandromme


    Hi, It seems I have the same problem you had but can't solve it. How did you pratically get it solved ? CORS is activated but I keep getting an internal server error in angular but not in Postman I get my json array in chrome also without any issues, so ... Thanks a lot Jean
  9. Hi Andrea, I try to decomment the preflight request sample in server.ignition.pas of the WebTemplate demo but got an error: [dcc32 Error] Server.Ignition.pas(80): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TBeforeHandleRequestProc' and 'Procedure' What do I do wrong ? Thanks Jean Vandromme
  10. Jean Vandromme

    preflight request error compilation

    Thanks Andrea but it seems I have to do something more to get rid of a 500 server error. I try to acces the FireDac server demo through an angular frontend. I had first a CORS problem which is now resolved. But now I have a 500 internal error server when a I try a simple get for the employee table. I can access it with Postman without any problem. I add this in the Form.create of server.forms.main.pas: // MARS-Curiosity Engine FEngine := TMARSEngine.Create; try FEngine.Parameters.LoadFromIniFile; FEngine.AddApplication('DefaultApp', '/default', ['Server.*']); PortNumberEdit.Text := FEngine.Port.ToString; TMARSFireDAC.LoadConnectionDefs(FEngine.Parameters, 'FireDAC'); FEngine.BeforeHandleRequest := function (const AEngine: TMARSEngine; const AURL: TMARSURL; const ARequest: IMARSRequest; const AResponse: IMARSResponse; var Handled: Boolean 😞 Boolean begin //Result := True; if SameText(AURL.Document, 'favicon.ico') then begin Result := False; Handled := True; end; // Handle CORS and PreFlight if SameText(ARequest.Method, 'OPTIONS') then begin Handled := True; Result := False; end; Result := True; end; StartServerAction.Execute; except FreeAndNil(FEngine); raise; end; This is the headers response in POSTMAN Connection →close Content-Type →application/json Content-Length →2420 Date →Tue, 14 May 2019 13:25:39 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Origin →* Access-Control-Allow-Methods →HEAD,GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers →X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Authorization In chrome, I have a 500 internal error server
  11. Jean Vandromme

    Firedac json POST

    Hi, I would like to develop a frontend using Angular. I have a MARS server, which works well for GET calls with a FB FireDac DB. Since my frontend isn't a delphi client, I use a simple json format and not json/firedac input/output. I struggle a little bit with the POST calls. I try to post with POSTMAN. Which json format do I have to use to get an update of my DB ? For now, I have a 'Database not found' from my server. Part of my code: type [Path('/maindata')] TMainDataResource = class(TMARSFDDataModuleResource) FDGUIxWaitCursor1: TFDGUIxWaitCursor; qItems: TFDQuery; qOneItem: TFDQuery; conDB: TFDConnection; private protected [Context] FD: TMARSFireDAC; public [GET, Path('/allItems'), Produces(TMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), IsReference] function getAllItems: TArray<TFDDataSet>; [POST, Path('/allItems'), Consumes(TMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), IsReference] function postAllItems([BodyParam] const ADeltas: TArray<TFDMemTable>):TArray<TMARSFDApplyUpdatesRes>; [GET, Path('/oneItem'), Produces(TMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), IsReference] function getOneItem: TArray<TFDDataSet>; [POST, Path('/oneItem'), Consumes(TMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), IsReference] function postOneItem([BodyParam] const ADeltas: TArray<TFDMemTable>):TArray<TMARSFDApplyUpdatesRes>; end; implementation {%CLASSGROUP 'Vcl.Controls.TControl'} {$R *.dfm} uses MARS.Core.Registry; { TMainDataResource } function TMainDataResource.getAllItems: TArray<TFDDataSet>; begin Result := [qItems]; end; function TMainDataResource.postAllItems([BodyParam] const ADeltas: TArray<TFDMemTable>):TArray<TMARSFDApplyUpdatesRes>; begin Result:=FD.ApplyUpdates([qItems], ADeltas); end; function TMainDataResource.getOneItem: TArray<TFDDataSet>; begin FD.InjectParamValues(TFDAdaptedDataSet(qOneItem).Command); Result := [qOneItem]; end; function TMainDataResource.postOneItem([BodyParam] const ADeltas: TArray<TFDMemTable>):TArray<TMARSFDApplyUpdatesRes>; begin Result:=FD.ApplyUpdates([qOneItem], ADeltas); end; The json structure for POST: { "qItems": [ { "id": 1, "name": "stuff" }, { "id": 2, "name": "other stuff" } ] } which is in fact the same structure I get from the GET calls. What can I do to get it work ? Thanks, Jean
  12. Jean Vandromme

    Firedac json POST

    Hi Andrea, Thanks a lot, I know where I have to go now. I will loose some interesting MARS features doing so but if it's the only way. The problem with the 2d approach is that I have tables with a lot of columns (more than 100), and I thought I could avoid making models for all of them. One thing though, what do you mean by TRecord<TItem>.ToDataset implementation ? Is it a Firedac thing or a MARS thing ? Thanks Jean