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Willicious last won the day on May 29 2024

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    Delphi 10.4 Sydney

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  1. Did you follow the steps exactly? It does require some movement from the mouse in order for the selection to update to the current cursor location. Otherwise, not sure why it isn't working for you. It could possibly be a mouse-specific thing, but mine is a £15 generic gaming mouse so I can't see it being much more advanced than anyone else's.
  2. It does work, but you have to move the mouse after scrolling. Try this: 1) Open a file in either Notepad or Notepad++ which has a lot of text 2) Highlight some line near the top by clicking and dragging with LMB 3) Scroll downwards using the wheel 4) Move the mouse a few millimetres, keeping LMB pressed It should highlight everything from the original selection up to the current cursor location. It's a simple, basic editing capability that should be available in every text editor and IDE that's existed since the scroll wheel was invented 🤷‍♂️
  3. Examples of programs that have the desired behaviour: Eclipse IDE Notepad++ MS Visual Studio 2022 MS Word MS Notepad MS Command Prompt (not a text editor, sure, but a program that you might want to copy-paste large amounts of text to/from) Google Chrome (and, by extension, any web-based text editor) Mozilla Firefox (ditto) And some examples of programs that don't support it: RAD Studio 12 Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader (see MS Command Prompt comment) The other two text editors that you referred to Is the Quality Portal the best place to post feature requests for RAD, or can it be done somewhere on these Forums? Happy for admin to repurpose this thread as a feature request, by all means.
  4. Precision, I suppose. It's easier to select a single word with the mouse, Ctrl+Click jumps to method/declaration, double-click selects a full word, etc. Why would you not use the mouse for these sorts of things? Also, how would you go about selecting exactly 24.5 lines using the keyboard (for example)?
  5. How do you select code? If there's a better way, I'm always up for learning. I'll go ahead and report it as suggested.
  6. Steps to replicate: 1) Open a project in RAD Studio and open any unit that has enough lines to require vertical scrolling 2) Highlight a line of text by clicking LMB and dragging the mouse along that line 3) Use the scroll wheel to scroll vertically downwards Expectation: the view will scroll down and subsequent lines will be highlighted. Actual behaviour: the view remains static. When releasing the LMB, the scroll wheel behaves as normal (i.e. the view is scrolled vertically). Again, I might be imagining that RAD Studio has ever done this, but I've gone to do it a few times recently and it's surprised me that it hasn't worked. It may be because I've been working in Eclipse IDE which allows the expected behaviour. If RAD is indeed supposed to do this, is there a setting I may have accidentally changed?
  7. Yeah, that's because I'm in the process of migrating over to GitHub (as you've suggested), because BitBucket sucks 😉 I'm getting some help with the BitBucket PR at the moment, once that's done I'll probably switch completely to GitHub for all projects.
  8. Still haven't managed to figure this one out, hopefully getting some help with it tomorrow (Monday 25th). I'll post back here if a solution is found.
  9. Willicious

    TTreeView arrows appearing too small

    OK, managed to fix this! The images needed to be slightly larger (24 x 24 instead of 16 x 16), and the indent needed to be made slightly smaller (16 rather than 19). Those values result in larger arrows and smaller "....":
  10. Willicious

    TTreeView arrows appearing too small

    Found out it's definitely to do with the "Images" properties, but no amount of tweaking will yield good results. The "...." part of the node is too big, and the clickable area is actually just to the right of the actual arrow.
  11. The arrows on this treeview are way too small: I added another treeview as a test, and the arrows are the correct size: So, Delphi's treeviews are clearly capable of decent sized arrows. The problem is that the first treeview has all of the relevant code linked to it, the second is there purely for testing/demonstration purposes. I'm not sure exactly whats been done to reduce the size of the arrows in the first example. Removing the custom images (i.e. the little blue dot) doesn't help, instead there is just blank space where the images were. The joys of working on existing code that you had nothing to do with! 🙂
  12. I'm attempting to create a pull request on BitBucket. I've taken the following steps, in this order: 1. Made changes to the repo 2. Created NewBranch in SourceTree 3. Checked out NewBranch in SourceTree 4. Committed changes to NewBranch 5. Commited a test change to the master branch just to make doubly sure that NewBranch is in fact separate from the master - it is 6. Pushed everything to origin 7. Opened BitBucket in a web browser 8. Clicked Create > Pull request 9. Chosen NewBranch as the source branch From here, I get different results depending on what I do next. 10. Chosen the destination repo, and chosen (a new branch with the same name i.e. NewBranch) as the destination branch If I do this, the most recent 8* commits are added to the PR, from both the source branch (i.e. NewBranch) and the master branch. 10. Chosen the destination repo's master branch as the destination branch If I do this, the most recent 8 commits are added to the PR, but I get little yellow warning symbols and an error saying "something went wrong". Clearly, I'm not used to working with branches. Based on the above, can anyone see what I might be doing wrong? *NOTE: NewBranch consists of a single commit, the other 7 are from master
  13. Willicious

    How to debug a Not Responding program element

    Well, this is very strange. I went to try madExcept again today, and now the Level Select can't even be accessed: With madExcept disabled, the program runs fine and the memory leak is gone. Not sure what's happening here...
  14. Willicious

    How to debug a Not Responding program element

    OK, so Anders' solution gets rid of the built-in resource leak dialog👍, but madExcept still gives us this:
  15. Willicious

    How to debug a Not Responding program element

    Ah yes, I get it now. "Clear;" is called from Clone (as JonRobertson has also pointed out). But, it isn't in the call stack (not directly, anyway). So, (and this is possibly one of those noobish questions), without prior knowledge of where "Clear" is being called, how can the call stack be used to trace this by itself? If the answer is that it can't, that's of course fine - at least we know what we're looking for, so we can search for it initially and obtain the prior knowledge needed to interpret the call stack usefully. Got it. Thanks to you both for all the explanations of what's going on, it's made everything much clearer. I'll go ahead and implement Anders' suggested change and report back what happens.