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Everything posted by Willicious

  1. I'm currently working on a project which uses Un4seen's Bass.dll plugin. It's already installed, and at present just makes use of the basic plugin for playing audio files. Ideally, I'd like to use one of the add-ons (specifically, one which can pitch/tune the audio up or down during playback, such as Bass_FX). I wonder if anyone here has any experience working with Bass and its add-ons. I could do with some help getting started (specifically with the Bass_FX add-on); I've located the .pas file in the Bass_FX folder, but there doesn't seem to be a .dll anywhere. Also, once I've managed to get the add-on in the correct place, how do I call it for use?
  2. Willicious

    Using Bass.dll and add-ons in a Delphi project

    Apparently, it's because I'm using it with the latest version of RAD. Chris over on the un4seen forums provided this zip which has the files correctly configured for 10.4. Tempo.7z Next, though, I have the task of trying to call bass_fx for use in my project, which I'm struggling to find any sort of step-by-step tutorial for. I can try to mimic what's happening in the Tempo project, but I'd mostly be guessing instead of knowing what I'm actually doing. New to this, but willing and able to learn quickly.
  3. Willicious

    E2137 Method not used in base class

    Yes, this does remove the error, thanks 🙂 So, what exactly does override do? From what I understand, it applies changes to procedures/functions with the same name that also exist in another unit/class. If override is needed here, then how can I prevent the error in that case? Yes, I too found this Google result (as I stated in the OP). However, it doesn't resolve the issue because I haven't misspelled anything. Apologies if I seem to be asking basic questions, I'm very new to both Delphi and programming in general. Being able to ask you guys questions is very helpful, so thank you.
  4. Willicious

    Using Bass.dll and add-ons in a Delphi project

    Managed to grab the bass.pas file from another project and placed it into the example project folder. This seemed to satisfy the error, but now the .exe generates this error message when running: All files associated with the example project are in the same folder, "...Delphi\Tempo":
  5. Willicious

    Using Bass.dll and add-ons in a Delphi project

    Hi @programmerdelphi2k, thanks for your reponse. I've downloaded the examples and I'm attempting to run them in RAD. I have both bass.dll and bass_fx.dll in the project example's folder (which, I assume, is where the .exe will be generated - I can't know this for sure because something is preventing me from getting that far). I get the following error, in spite of these files appearing in the project explorer window:
  6. Thanks so much for your help so far, everyone! Apologies that these are such basic questions! 🤦‍♂️
  7. @Lajos JuhászHow would you specify a single line of keyboard input? if key = Ord('w') then ... isn't working for me OK, it works if you make the letter capital, so: if key = Ord('W') then
  8. @GaryThanks for the suggestion, but tbh I'd like to try doing it as a Windows app. Later, I'll try again following the tutorial as you've suggested, for sure. For now though, the important thing is that I learn to bind keyboard input to movement.
  9. Got rid of the TTimer altogether, to even further simplify what I'm trying to do. The square is not moving: type TForm1 = class(TForm) Square: TShape; procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; Movement: String; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = Ord('w') then Square.Top := Square.Top + 10; end; end.
  10. Brilliant, thanks Lajos Juhász 👍 Unfortunately, it's not actually making the square move. Maybe I need to get rid of the TTimer...?
  11. Thanks for the replies, everyone! gkobler's reply solved the error, but the keydown doesn't translate to movement. I've now removed the listbox and I'm applying KeyDown code directly to the form. The form now just has a square. I'm trying to make the square move downwards by 10px when 'd' is pressed: type TForm1 = class(TForm) Square: TShape; ActualMovement: TTimer; procedure ActualMovementTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; Movement: String; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.ActualMovementTimer(Sender: TObject); begin if Movement = 'Down' then Square.Top := + 10; end; procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = Ord('w') then Movement := 'Down'; end; end. I figured that Square.Top would do this, but perhaps there is something incorrect about the line if Movement = 'Down' then Square.Top := +10;