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  1. I'm doing this in the OnStateChange-event for now. I'm tracking states httpDnsLookupDone and httpBodyReceived.
  2. I just need the total time it takes to get a response from the web service. That is, taking into account network delays, web server delays, etc.
  3. I'm sorry, I phrased the question incorrectly. I meant the duration of the request execution by the server.
  4. No. But there may be a bug.
  5. ICS V9.3 I execute a test http-request with the MaxBodySize property with a value that is obviously less than the response size. I noticed the following errors: - Events OnRestRequestDone and OnRequestDone are executed twice. - In repeating events, the property ReasonPhrase has a repeating status code. ................ ................ ................ HttpRest - DocEnd HttpRest - RestRequestDone RqType: GET ErrCode: 3 Error: RequestDoneErrorStr: Aborted StatusCode: 404 ReasonPhrase: "404 Aborting connection, Body Size too Large: 369" HttpRest - RequestDone RqType: GET ErrCode: 3 Error: RequestDoneErrorStr: Aborted StatusCode: 404 ReasonPhrase: "404 Aborting connection, Body Size too Large: 369" HttpRest - RestRequestDone RqType: GET ErrCode: 3 Error: RequestDoneErrorStr: Aborted StatusCode: 404 ReasonPhrase: "404 404 Aborting connection, Body Size too Large: 369" HttpRest - RequestDone RqType: GET ErrCode: 3 Error: RequestDoneErrorStr: Aborted StatusCode: 404 ReasonPhrase: "404 404 Aborting connection, Body Size too Large: 369"
  6. But if the OpenSSL libraries are located next to the file, then the loading of OpenSSL is successful automatically.
  7. If I dynamically create the TSslHttpCli component for only one request, then I don't control the OpenSSL loading process.
  8. OverbyteIcsLIBEAY.pas Version: 8.70 Function IcsX509VerifyErrorToStr function string: Result := String(AnsiString(X509_verify_cert_error_string(ErrCode))); If OpenSSL is not loaded, then IcsX509VerifyErrorToStr fails with an exception: ClassName: EAccessViolation. Message: Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000