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Everything posted by KBazX

  1. Did I understand correctly that it makes no sense to use the OnDocData event for the TSslHttpRest component, since TSslHttpRest certainly uses the RcvdStream property of its ancestor TSslHttpCli?
  2. I'm doing this in the OnStateChange-event for now. I'm tracking states httpDnsLookupDone and httpBodyReceived.
  3. I just need the total time it takes to get a response from the web service. That is, taking into account network delays, web server delays, etc.
  4. I'm sorry, I phrased the question incorrectly. I meant the duration of the request execution by the server.
  5. ICS V9.3 I execute a test http-request with the MaxBodySize property with a value that is obviously less than the response size. I noticed the following errors: - Events OnRestRequestDone and OnRequestDone are executed twice. - In repeating events, the property ReasonPhrase has a repeating status code. ................ ................ ................ HttpRest - DocEnd HttpRest - RestRequestDone RqType: GET ErrCode: 3 Error: RequestDoneErrorStr: Aborted StatusCode: 404 ReasonPhrase: "404 Aborting connection, Body Size too Large: 369" HttpRest - RequestDone RqType: GET ErrCode: 3 Error: RequestDoneErrorStr: Aborted StatusCode: 404 ReasonPhrase: "404 Aborting connection, Body Size too Large: 369" HttpRest - RestRequestDone RqType: GET ErrCode: 3 Error: RequestDoneErrorStr: Aborted StatusCode: 404 ReasonPhrase: "404 404 Aborting connection, Body Size too Large: 369" HttpRest - RequestDone RqType: GET ErrCode: 3 Error: RequestDoneErrorStr: Aborted StatusCode: 404 ReasonPhrase: "404 404 Aborting connection, Body Size too Large: 369"
  6. No. But there may be a bug.
  7. OverbyteIcsLIBEAY.pas Version: 8.70 Function IcsX509VerifyErrorToStr function string: Result := String(AnsiString(X509_verify_cert_error_string(ErrCode))); If OpenSSL is not loaded, then IcsX509VerifyErrorToStr fails with an exception: ClassName: EAccessViolation. Message: Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000
  8. But if the OpenSSL libraries are located next to the file, then the loading of OpenSSL is successful automatically.
  9. If I dynamically create the TSslHttpCli component for only one request, then I don't control the OpenSSL loading process.