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  1. 357mag

    I keep being off by one

    I have been able to successfully step into or trace into but I can't recall how I did it.
  2. 357mag

    I keep being off by one

    Same thing happens. If I put the breakpoint next to while(num) and hit F7, the same window with all those crazy addressess shows up. If I put the breakpoint next to the function call square(nums) I get this screen:
  3. 357mag

    I keep being off by one

    I put my breakpoint on the function header: void square... ...and when I pressed Trace Into I got all that crazy stuff that looked like addresses.
  4. 357mag

    I keep being off by one

    I can't use Trace Into because this is what I see when I use it:
  5. 357mag

    I keep being off by one

    Yes num reaches 0. I'm just saying when I put all this stuff on paper, it seems after the last square has been printed, there still is one iteration left to go. So I end up with while(1) instead of while(0). But it's possible that my paperwork was just off a little. I understand how the program works.
  6. 357mag

    I keep being off by one

    Plus I was trying to use the debugger so I could watch the value of num in the while loop but there is no step into command. Just step over and trace into. Actually, I've never used a debugger, so I'm new to that. I'm pretty close on this maybe my paperwork is just a bit off.
  7. 357mag

    I keep being off by one

    It seems I'm always off by one. This program changes the contents of an array using a function and a pointer. The problem is the while loop in the function. At some point the value of num has to become 0 for the loop to fail and stop printing numbers. But on paper when I plot this thing out, I have already printed all 10 squares 1 through 10, but the value in num is still 1. Shouldn't at that point the value of num be 0? But I keep getting 1. So it's like all 10 squares have been printed but the condition in my while loop looks like this: while(1) instead of... while(0) Here is the code. Sorry I have not changed the namespace stuff yet: void square(int *n, int num); int main() { int i, nums[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; cout << "Original array values: "; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << nums[i] << " "; cout << endl; square(nums, 10); cout << "Altered array values: "; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << nums[i] << " "; cout << endl << endl; system("pause"); return 0; } void square(int *n, int num) { while(num) { *n = *n * *n; num--; n++; } }
  8. Cool program which I like using a global variable. But the compiler says reference to count is ambiguous. It is one of Herb's programs, and I know his style of writing program is suspect, but his programs themselves as far as his ideas I have always liked. Here it is: #include<iostream> using namespace std; void functionOne(); void functionTwo(); int count; int main() { int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { count = i * 2; // reference to count is ambiguous functionOne(); } system("pause"); return 0; } void functionOne() { cout << "count: " << count; cout << endl; functionTwo(); } void functionTwo() { int count; for(count = 0; count < 3; count++) cout << '.'; }
  9. 357mag

    Pointer arithmetic question

    Excuse me sir for asking a question. Jump in a lake.
  10. 357mag

    Pointer arithmetic question

    I'm trying to understand some basic pointer arithmetic. I guess when a pointer is incremented (like ptr++) it does not get incremented by 1. Instead the address increases by 1 multiplied by the size of the data type it is pointing to. If ptr initially held an address called 2000, then ptr++ would make it point to address 2004. What I don't understand is I read "each time ptr gets incremented, it will point to the next integer." What does that mean? The next integer? What next integer?
  11. 357mag

    How to get the quotation marks to show

    Okay I got it going now.
  12. I want to print a line of text using cout but there is a word that I want to have quotation marks around it. I want the output to look like this: Looking for the index position of the word "own". What I've tried so far has not worked. Here is what I got currently: int main() { string sentence = "To thine own self be true"; string word = "own"; cout << "The sentence is: " << sentence << endl; cout << "Looking for the index position of the word \"own\"; cout << sentence.find(word) << endl; system("pause"); return 0; }
  13. Yes that works great. Thank You.
  14. 357mag

    Program works fine but why?

    Just one question about the way this program is working. I make a constant and initialize it to 10. I use that to make the size of the array called name1. What I don't understand though is if I run the program and enter in a long name that is longer than 10 characters, C++ still allows me to do it and the program works just fine. I was expecting an error message saying something about 'out of bounds error". I don't get why C++ is allowing me to enter in a name that is longer than the size of the array: #include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; int main() { const int SIZE = 10; char name1[SIZE]; char name2[SIZE] = "C++owboy"; cout << "Howdy! I'm " << name2 << "!"; cout << " What's your name?" << endl; cin >> name1; cout << "Well, " << name1 << " your name has "; cout << strlen(name1) << " letters" << endl; cout << "Your initial is " << name1[0] << endl; name2[3] = '\0'; cout << "Here are the first three characters of my name: "; cout << name2 << endl << endl; system("pause"); return 0;
  15. Something is still off. My console window is saying that sum is equal to 1985788.