first sry for my bad english :-D
We have a program to send emails, which is developed in Delphi, but it has an issue with Word Document.
After doing some reasech, i found Python4Delphi, and i thought maybe it can be solved our problem.
And Python do it very well but only one time.
I create a VLC Form which creates a Python.Engine, then the Word Document read out, i get me the Values into Delphi.
After that the Values will be searched in our Database, and goes back to Python and Write the Right Values into the matching places.
Then the Word Document will be saved and converted to PDF.
Like i said, one Time it works very well, but if i add another Dokument to the Tool i get a Error message
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable'
pythonScript.add('import docx # arbeiten mit docx-Dateien');
pythonScript.add('import re # reguläre Ausdrücke');
pythonScript.add('from docx.shared import Pt');
pythonScript.add('from docx import Document');
pythonScript.add('class TProperties:');
pythonScript.add(' def __init__(Self, DelphiVar):');
pythonScript.add(' Self.__DelphiVar__ = DelphiVar');
pythonScript.add(' def __getattr__(Self, Key):');
pythonScript.add(' return Self.__dict__['+#39+'__DelphiVar__'+#39+'].Value[Key]');
pythonScript.add(' def __setattr__(Self, Key, Value):');
pythonScript.add(' if Key == "__DelphiVar__":');
pythonScript.add(' Self.__dict__['+#39+'__DelphiVar__'+#39+'] = Value');
pythonScript.add(' else:');
pythonScript.add(' Self.__DelphiVar__.Value[Key] = Value');
pythonScript.add(' Self.__DelphiVar__.Value = Self.__DelphiVar__.Value');
pythonScript.add(' def __repr__(Self):');
pythonScript.add(' return str(Self.__DelphiVar__.Value)');
pythonScript.add(' def __str__(Self):');
pythonScript.add(' return str(Self.__DelphiVar__.Value)');
pythonScript.add('def find_search_terms(doc_path):');
pythonScript.add(' try:');
pythonScript.add(' #Open the docx file');
pythonScript.add(' document = docx.Document(doc_path)');
pythonScript.add(' # Regular expression to use for the search');
pythonScript.add(' pattern = re.compile(r'+#39+'«(.*?)»'+#39+')');
pythonScript.add(' # List to store the found search terms');
pythonScript.add(' found_terms = []');
pythonScript.add(' # Iterate through the paragraphs in the document');
pythonScript.add(' for paragraph in document.paragraphs:');
pythonScript.add(' for match in pattern.finditer(paragraph.text):');
pythonScript.add(' found_terms.append(match.group(1))');
pythonScript.add(' # Iterate through the tables in the document');
pythonScript.add(' for table in document.tables:');
pythonScript.add(' # Iterate through the rows in the table');
pythonScript.add(' for row in table.rows:');
pythonScript.add(' # Iterate through the cells in the row');
pythonScript.add(' for cell in row.cells:');
pythonScript.add(' #Check if the search term is in the cell text');
pythonScript.add(' for match in pattern.finditer(cell.text):');
pythonScript.add(' found_terms.append(match.group(1))');
pythonScript.add(' return found_terms');
pythonScript.add(' except docx.opc.exceptions.PackageNotFoundError:');
pythonScript.add(' print("The file could not be found. Please check the file path and try again.")');
pythonScript.add(' except docx.opc.exceptions.PackageLoadError:');
pythonScript.add(' print("There was an error reading the file. It may be damaged or have an unsupported format.")');
pythonScript.add('print("Inhalt Array: vor dem Props")');
pythonScript.add('Props = TProperties( Properties )');
pythonScript.add('print("Inhalt Array: Nach dem Props")');
pythonScript.add('pfad = r'+#39+docPath+#39);
pythonScript.add('search_terms = find_search_terms(pfad)');
pythonScript.add('#delete duplicates');
pythonScript.add('my_set = set(search_terms)');
pythonScript.add('search_terms = list(my_set)');
pythonScript.add('for value in search_terms:');
pythonScript.add(' Props.TestDict.append(value)');
pythonScript.add('print("Inhalt Array: "+Props.TestDict[0])');
i hope someone can help me with that problem