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Everything posted by himitsu

  1. himitsu

    Docking Example

    Walibeiro's code works in principle, even if it still has a few bugs. But it looks better than Delphi's docking itself. As we are considering whether or how we should replace MDI, I also put together a few initial demos. https://github.com/geheimniswelten/DockingDemos Basically, however, you can say that everything has at least one flaw somewhere and nothing works perfectly. I was sure that Borland/Embarcadero had another docking variant, but I can't find it at the moment. And they don't release the docking component of their IDE either. There was something in the Delphi XE demo folder, but you can no longer find it in the demos of the current Delphis. (but in principle it was the same as my DockDemo.exe) The https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodocdem/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RadStudio_2010/DelphiCodeExamples/Docking/ looks partly like the one from Walibeiro. https://www.delphipraxis.net/152925-welche-docking-library-verwenden.html
  2. Unfortunately still no solution. That's not quite true, because the log claims that the debug infos are being loaded, but I also know that the log likes to lie. Because it compiles with external TDS, the *.tds are deleted and yet the debug log claims that the debug infos are being loaded for this EXE/DLL/BPL, which can't be true because they are gone. First of all, loading such packages with missing *.tds is really extremely slow and then Delphi itself is too stupid to recognize the problem here, because they create a 1-byte DEBUG section in the actual compilation when the TDS is saved externally, but this "one" byte itself cannot of course contain any debug infos.