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Everything posted by luciano_f

  1. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    Can you create an example for my understanding? Grateful.
  2. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    I am very grateful I managed to place the Splitter, Maximize form button but the create is not triggered See how I did it constructor TMyImageCollectionEditorForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; Showmessage('Test'); do not execute this message Self.BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu, biMaximize]; end; procedure TMyImageCollectionEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); Var Splitter1: TSplitter; begin //here we implement action when someone click on our menu item inherited; case Index of 0: begin if Self.Component is TImageCollection then begin var xImCol := Self.Component as TImageCollection; var xMyEditor := TMyImageCollectionEditorForm.CreateEx(Nil, xImCol); try xMyEditor.BorderIcons := [biSystemMenu, biMaximize]; xMyEditor.GroupBox1.Margins.Top := 3; xMyEditor.GroupBox1.Margins.Bottom := 3; xMyEditor.GroupBox1.Margins.Left := 3; xMyEditor.GroupBox1.Margins.Right := 10; xMyEditor.GroupBox2.Margins.Top := 3; xMyEditor.GroupBox2.Margins.Bottom := 3; xMyEditor.GroupBox2.Margins.Left := 3; xMyEditor.GroupBox2.Margins.Right := 10; Splitter1 := TSplitter.Create(xMyEditor); Splitter1.Parent := xMyEditor; Splitter1.Visible := True; Splitter1.Align := alBottom; Splitter1.Height := 9; Splitter1.Color := clHighlight; Splitter1.Top := xMyEditor.GroupBox2.Top + xMyEditor.GroupBox2.Height; xMyEditor.ShowModal; finally xMyEditor.Free; end; end; end; end; end;
  3. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    @Softacom Company Sorry for my ignorance, as I don't have enough knowledge to create and change components, could my colleague give me some help? How could I create a new form that inherits from "TImageCollectionEditorForm" and I can make changes to it? I tried but I couldn't and also how could I register this BPL, see attached what I did ImageListEdit Form.7z If I could have access to the form I would change more things, such as this huge image preview area, see attached.
  4. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    @Softacom Company this doesn't compile Could you change this package for me ? ImageListEdit Change.7z
  5. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    Could you explain to me then how I could use it? From the dcp?
  6. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    Do you have this file on your machine ?
  7. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    I don't understand your explanation because this file "ImageCollectionEditor" doesn't exist I downloaded the trial architect 11.3 version and couldn't find it Can you attach the file here on the forum please
  8. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    I didn't find it and I looked on the web and there aren't even any references. Can you attach it here? Tell me will you do what I need ?
  9. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    where do I find this ? can you put the link ?
  10. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    Looking through ProcessHacker I found the class but I didn't find the files that refer to it "TImageCollectionEditorForm"
  11. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    Even though it is not supplied with the sources, there must be some way to create a form that inherits it so that I can change and register this new editor
  12. luciano_f

    How to change the TVirtualImageList editor?

    How could I generate the property record by changing these files?
  13. Delphi's native formatter can't do this type of formatting, can Gexpert do it ? Example breaks with 32 If Table1.fieldbyName('campo').Asstring = varcampo then With the formatting it looks like this If Table1.fieldbyName('campo'). Asstring = varcampo then But I would like training to stay like this I would only break when there is a space If Table1.fieldbyName('campo').Asstring = varcampo then
  14. luciano_f

    Is there a way for the formatter to do this?

  15. luciano_f

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    Guys, I'm sorry for the words Nothing in this life can we be fanboys of companies, brands, products, etc.... Embarcadero is a for-profit company and has a product that urgently needs several improvements not only in the IDE but also in several other things. Thinking that by asking for a 64-bit IDE we will give up other things is a rotten and unoptimistic thought, Why can't we have it all ? I believe that what we lack is more unity in demanding more from this company that every year launches a new version but the step that is coming soon I see the lazarus passing over the boat, today it is not superior but soon it will be and I see this as something Very shameful for boarding, I saw several colleagues here defending Delphi in its positive points, but in some things it loses badly to Lazarus. Windows IDE 32-bit and 64-bit Linux IDE MacOS IDE Ansi standard DFM where it has AutoComplete and code folding. Completely cross-platform LCL. VCL has skins but only Windows. The list of operating systems that you can compile is huge, you can even create systems for refrigerators, gates, etc... Several large companies already understand the power of lazarus... Fastreport EhLib Devart Unigui is on the roadmap Acbr automation brazil IDE Total classic unlock without bugs If I'm going to continue the list in favor of lazarus it's long but I'm not saying I'm going to use it I'm just hoping we have a better Delphi because as it is there's no way I have to close and open Delphi at least 8 times every day, My project has 500 thousand lines of code with 350 forms. Embarcadero be ashamed. Let's vote and in addition to voting, leave a text for them with our indignation.
  16. luciano_f

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    And as I say, let's unite and vote to have a 64-Bit IDE -> vote https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-33115 We urgently need more robust IDE
  17. luciano_f

    Is there a way for the formatter to do this?

    I'm sorry I didn't understand your request Attached is the configuration of Both Formatters DelForExOptions.ini Formatter_Delphi_Native.config
  18. luciano_f

    Is there a way for the formatter to do this?

    Could have an option to work together with "Wrap Long Lines" so that breaking only happens when there is space it would be very good.
  19. luciano_f

    Is there a way for the formatter to do this?

    What I want is for the break to only happen when there is a space Example breaks with 32 If Table1.fieldbyName('campo').Asstring = varcampo then After formatting it would be If Table1.fieldbyName('campo').Asstring = varcampo then
  20. luciano_f

    Is there a way for the formatter to do this?

    Can I create my own styles? as ? Is it possible to do what I want?
  21. luciano_f

    Why are some tools not in Gexpert ?

    There are several good tools missing from Gexpert that you could put as an example https://blog.dummzeuch.de/dzdeleteprop https://blog.dummzeuch.de/delphi-ide-explorer-expert/ https://blog.dummzeuch.de/knownidepackagesmanager-tool/
  22. luciano_f

    How to change the tmainmenu Designer ?

    When I open the tmainmenu or Tpopupmenu designer I always have to resize it. I would like to be able to save and restore the Designer size, how could I do it?
  23. I don't know if it would be too much to ask, Gexpert could have a feature to remove items from the menu or even move items to other places
  24. luciano_f

    Remove items from the TMainMenu or move menuitem

  25. luciano_f

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    Could you elaborate further on why LCL and RTL are not up to par with Delphi ?