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    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. Fudley

    Recommended devices android testing

    Thanks everyone for the great informative answers! This is such a helpful and knowledgeable group.
  2. I ended up using the code from this page, and it seems to be working https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Taking_Pictures_Using_FireMonkey_Interfaces
  3. I purchased the Winsoft product. It is a powerful pruduct but suffers from lack of documentation. FWIW.
  4. Fudley

    Recommended devices android testing

    18000? Gulp.
  5. Fudley

    Recommended devices android testing

    What devices would you include when testing an android app meant for tracking collections (stamps and such) ? I know there are services and emulators, but would testing with the actual devices be better?
  6. I am looking to add camera support to an android product. Has anyone used the Winsoft camera product vs IFMXCameraService.TakePhoto?
  7. Fudley

    Any reason not to upgrade to 12.2 ?

    Oh I like that dockable AI Chat Panel
  8. Fudley

    Any reason not to upgrade to 12.2 ?

    That Smart Codeinsight sounds great! Thanks for the link.
  9. Fudley

    Delphi 12.2 Toolbars strange behavior

    Oh well, provides a nice warm up phase before coding 🌞
  10. Fudley

    XML library for Delphi on Android

    Just to confirm - VerySimpleXML is great. Took about 30 seconds to understand and implement Loadfrom/Saveto streams. Wow. Great job Dennis D. Spreen!
  11. I'm at 12.1 patch 1. Everything is working fine.
  12. Fudley

    XML library for Delphi on Android

    I'm looking at VerySimpleXML - I think I can work with this one.
  13. Fudley

    XML library for Delphi on Android

    I'm looking for an XML library to use on Android. I am used to using NativeXML under Windows, so anything similiar to that would be perfect. Thanks much!
  14. Windows 11 Delphi 12.1 (haven't dived into 12.2 yet) GExperts, CnPack, MMX are installed. Right-clicking on the toolbars and selecting "Customize" I can then arrange the toolbars and icons, add new icons etc. All is well until I restart Deephi, and the toolbars are not as I left them. Some icons are missing. Some toolbars have blank spaces where the icons should be. I have tried locking the toolbars, and saving the desktop. Has anyone else run into this?
  15. Update : it took an agressive uninstall and manual uninstall and reinstall of delphi, but I'm happy to report I'm back in the saddle. 🤠🏇