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Everything posted by plastkort

  1. plastkort

    Playing multiple wave files simultaneously

    Pardon!, I did not mean to cause politics about it, just a friendly question on how to disable them if you knew,, I messaged the author but he did not answer, i'll try digging and see if i can disable this, and then i will try make it work:) no harm meant 🙂 thanks for the suggestion
  2. plastkort

    Playing multiple wave files simultaneously

    I mean. this in the object inspector... i just doublecolick to toggle true and false.. amd now it opens this annoying dialog for every property that has some toggles, totally not cool
  3. plastkort

    Playing multiple wave files simultaneously

    but still. I don't like the IDE modifications it does to my object inspector 😞 it's like forced upon me.. cannot uninstall that i think
  4. plastkort

    Playing multiple wave files simultaneously

    yeah it also modified my entire delphi IDE 😕 not cool
  5. plastkort

    Playing multiple wave files simultaneously

    A working solution is actually more important, i will take a look at mitovs library
  6. plastkort

    Playing multiple wave files simultaneously

    aparently this could work but it seems not to work in delphi by some reason ? uses mmSystem; mciSendString('play D:\test.wav',nil,0,0); i seen other examples in c++ this works.. but in delphi it does not
  7. plastkort

    Playing multiple wave files simultaneously

    would be nice if this does not bloat the filesize tho?
  8. plastkort

    VCL component issue

    i can create it at runtime.... but not in designtime... you can check the source if there is anything strange... it's an old project i digged out of some old cd's https://github.com/plastkort/VCDProgress/blob/master/vcdprogress.pas
  9. hi!. This is perhaps not the best way to do it, but it sort of works for me, except that I am seems to receive some garbage characters and unwanted characters in the beginning of the received string. Am i doing something wrong? #$0081'~'#1'%{"table":"trade","action":"insert"}' and other garbage characters #$0081'~'#1#$18 is there a bug in TSSLWsocket or is this by design in json structure? I also have trouble receive very large json strings. it seem to be incomplete.. a workaround i have is to add lineend as #93#125 which is ]} are there other updated websocket libraries using TWSocket or indy ? i know there are one but its not maintenanced anymore
  10. plastkort

    Using TSSLWsocket to receive websockets

    ok, i will see if i can correct this.. i never really done much with streams before, but i will probably figure out sonthign
  11. plastkort


    I have delphi 10.2 maybe it does not have this library
  12. plastkort


    do you have any example on this one? I got error could not find libeau.. but i can use tsslwsocket, maybe something missing
  13. plastkort

    Using TSSLWsocket to receive websockets

    I have allways used for example: ReceivedJSON := TSslWSocket(Sender).ReceiveStr; for receiving my strings in any project i had earlier using normal TWSocket.. but ssl is new to me... if you have other suggestion on how to receive the whole string im all ears
  14. plastkort


    thanks everyone i will take a look later tonight. 🙂
  15. plastkort


    thanks, I will take a look at this, as an alternative i have been looking into python, and i see there are a component for integrating python scripts.. that opens many possibilities as well
  16. Have anyone here been playing around with websockekts and ICS Components?