Windows 11 Pro. Rad 12. DUnitX tests. Trying to recreate example where I build easy math unit and trying to unit test the tests.
---------------------- Example ---------------------------
[TestCase('Test 1', '')]
[TestCase('Test 2', '-1,-5,-6')]
[TestCase('Test 3', '6,-4,2')]
procedure TestAdd(Value1, Value2, _Result: Int64);
If I use int64 values all is good. Trying to test bad values (i.e. non-int64 values) fail. TestCase 1, for example, actually passes in NULL, but when it runs the test passes. Likewise, if I use non-int64 values, it passes every time. The following all pass.
[TestCase('TestX', '')]
[TestCase('TestX', 'A,B,C')]
[TestCase('TestX', '"A", "B", "C"')]
[TestCase('TestX', 'X,Y')]
It looks like the DUnitX is massaging the arguments Value1, and Value2 to make them 0 if they are illegal. I expected to see an exception when the test is run.
Any ideas what is going on?