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Everything posted by EugeneK

  1. Hi Anyone else have this error in 12.3 [dcc32 Error] Type parameter 'T' must be a non-nullable value type Works fine in 12.2, trying to isolate it now, seems to work in some places but not the others.
  2. But this is simply not true because managed records can be used for generics restricted to records in 12.2 and before. I had a lot of code broken because of this change that worked perfectly fine.
  3. Can anyone explain rationale why the suddenly change this and closed my ticket about this as by design? https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-3043 This pisses me off they they randomly change compiler behaviour and not even in major version. And don't provide any explanation.
  4. Yes I'll probably use it as a workaround, but that kind of defeats the purpose
  5. Happens when record field has an attribute unit UTestGenericsBug; interface uses System.Rtti, Data.DB; type DBField = class(TCustomAttribute) strict private FFieldType: TFieldType; FLength: Integer; public constructor Create(const AFieldType: TFieldType = ftUnknown; const ALength: Integer = 0); property FieldType: TFieldType read FFieldType; property Length: Integer read FLength; end; TTestRecord = record private [DBField(ftString, 20)] FTerminalName: string; public end; TRecordLoader<T: record> = class sealed class function Get: T; static; end; implementation constructor DBField.Create(const AFieldType: TFieldType = ftUnknown; const ALength: Integer = 0); begin end; class function TRecordLoader<T>.Get: T; begin Result := Default(T); end; function Get: TTestRecord; begin // error here Result := TRecordLoader<TTestRecord>.Get; end; end. 😒
  6. Hi It would be nice to add keylog callback functions to OpenSSL interface, https://docs.openssl.org/master/man3/SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback/ OverbyteIcsSSLEAY.pas.patch
  7. EugeneK

    Add keylog callback functions

    Yes, for Wireshark, in next release OpenSSL adds logging directly in the library, but you need to configure it at build time, with these callbacks you can log it with regular build
  8. You can check System.Diagnostics.TStopWatch it is cross platform and high-precision
  9. Hi Some protocols require Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header to be set when connecting, I made a patch to allow it in OverbyteIcsWebSocketCli.pas OverbyteIcsWebSocketCli.pas.patch
  10. Hi Is there any chance that namespaces will be added in Spring4d code? e.g. System.SysUtils instead of SysUtils
  11. EugeneK

    Namespaces in Spring4d code

    Also it forces unified style across all the code and improves readability.
  12. EugeneK

    Namespaces in Spring4d code

    In my projects I don't have anything in 'Unit Scope names' and 'Unit aliases', so it won't compile if I just add it as is. All other 3rdparty libraries that I use have it, so I don't want to add it back.
  13. EugeneK

    FmxLinux and GTK

    Hi I'm trying to use FmxLinux in Delphi 12.2 and deploying to WSL, all samples work apart from GtkWindow, it has following code procedure gtk_window_set_title(window: Pointer; title: PUtf8Char); cdecl; external 'libgtk-3.so.0'; function gtk_widget_get_window(widget: Pointer): Pointer; cdecl; external 'libgtk-3.so.0'; procedure gdk_window_process_updates(window: Pointer; update_children: Boolean); cdecl; external 'libgdk-3.so.0'; and fails with this error when building [DCC Error] E2597 C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\bin\ld-linux.exe: error: cannot find -lgdk-3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\bin\ld-linux.exe: error: cannot find -lgtk-3 How can I make Delphi find these libraries?
  14. EugeneK

    FmxLinux and GTK

    Thank you! that was the problem.
  15. EugeneK

    FmxLinux and GTK

    Yes, but it fails during build, not when deploying, so I don't think it matters. It have to be somewhere on Windows machine
  16. I think first priority should be Windows on ARM support
  17. EugeneK

    Adding basic AWS S3 operations to Delphi app

    Delphi has integrated libraries for this, see https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Athens/en/Data.Cloud.AmazonAPI
  18. EugeneK

    Azure Relay

    Hi Does anyone have example of working with Azure Relay in Delphi?
  19. Lol, we had to do the same migration at our company, complained to Atlassian that cloud Jira is super slow compared to old hosted one, their response - our code is very big and complex you should get a faster computer. And our company is much bigger than Embarcadero. Jira is dominating the market and there is no easy migration to something else, there is no reason for them to do anything right now.
  20. To be fair not much they can do, Atlassian blackmailing everyone to move to cloud based Jira, so they have to use inferior system as customer facing.
  21. It is a long standing bug, see https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-25799 https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-31289, probably won't be fixed anytime soon.
  22. I've added "Embarcadero Customers" to sharing, so hopefully this helps.
  23. I've seen people going old-school and posting +1 comments 😀
  24. Don't know what to do, new system is very primitive, I don't see any options on the page different from other issues that are available to different people.
  25. Allow for recursive directory search for units https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-940 These ones are in old system, so they are read only. I wonder should I copy these ones to new one? Add http status code constants to RTL https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-35731 Add const versions of generic anonymous methods declarations https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-33336 Decouple TService/TServiceApplication from VCL https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-41813 Add immutable records (similar to C# readonly structs) https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-34572