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Gordon Kenyon

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Everything posted by Gordon Kenyon

  1. Gordon Kenyon

    Android Release configuration errors

    [Help please], I am at a loss as to what the first error could be. If I select debug configuration I can run deployment with no errors. If I select release configuration I get this error when attempting to deploy. c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\23.0\bin\CodeGear.Deployment.targets(1076,5): error : Error: E6408 Unable to execute '"c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\23.0\bin\android\aapt2.exe" link --proto-format --auto-add-overlay -I "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-23.0.50491.5718\platforms\android-33\android.jar" --manifest "\\Mac\Home\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\CommunityContacts\Android64\Release\CommunityContacts\AndroidManifest.xml" -R "\\Mac\Home\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\CommunityContacts\Android64\Release\CommunityContacts\compiled_res.flata" -o "\\Mac\Home\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\CommunityContacts\Android64\Release\CommunityContacts\linked_res.ap_"' (Error 1) The next error I have researched and it seems I can ignore it as its a warning only. [PAClient Error] Error: E6408 aapt2.exe W 01-29 13:21:48 4028 12180 LoadedArsc.cpp:657] Unknown chunk type '200'. The last error I believe I just have to create the splash image required ? [PAClient Error] Error: E6408 \\Mac\Home\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\CommunityContacts\Android64\Release\CommunityContacts\res\values-v31\styles.xml:7: error: resource drawable/splash_vector (aka com.au.glenwoodqld.community.CommunityContacts:drawable/splash_vector) not found.
  2. Gordon Kenyon

    Import .NET Assembly list is empty

    And still seems to be an issue in 12.0
  3. Gordon Kenyon

    iOS 17

    Hi Dave , do you know what timeframe we are looking at before debugging for iOS 17 will be available?
  4. They may have been working when you posted - just as they were not working when I posted. And right now? https://my.embarcadero.com/ is not currently working
  5. This forum and support https://idera.my.salesforce-sites.com/CG/ seem to be the only sites that are currently functioning.
  6. embarcadero.com is just a shell front page at the minute - none of the important links work like my downloads, my customer portal etc. and docwiki.embarcadero.com returns a 504 Gateway Time-out
  7. Gordon Kenyon

    Android Release configuration errors

    Fixed : A config file had been messed up after running the Icon "wizard".
  8. UPDATE - my bad , I had failed to uncheck the references in Deployment Manager under Featured files My app compiles and runs fine in debug configuration - running against a physical android device. The same code when targeting the application store and attempting to compile generates 26 errors starting with the one below, all relating to libibtogo.a MSBUILD : error E2597: E2597 c:\\program files (x86)\\embarcadero\\studio\\23.0\\lib\\Android\\Release/libibtogo.a(eng_init.o):eng_init.c:function engine_unlocked_init: error: undefined reference to '__sync_fetch_and_add_4' I am using iblite not ibtogo and I am not sure where this reference is coming from. I can't see any reference in the release configuration for Android 64-bit platform?
  9. I see I could have been clearer - memory issues with Android occurred using .Net Maui so when I rewrote the app using Delphi I decided to go with the native to Delphi database thinking that would be very advantageous and if the SQLite issues were not just Microsoft based then the issue would still be resolved besides I like learning however when the vast majority of pertinent information to programming relating to Delphi - Interbase is contained within a system that is not available...
  10. The fact this issue is still ongoing is unbelievable. Unfortunately prior to the issues I ported as in totally rewrote an app in development from .Net Maui across to FMX and I am using the new to me IBlite due to issues on Android with SQLIte. Given the lack of any in depth details of IBLite's SQL as 99% of the links from my google searches I am seeing returned point to docwiki it looks like I will have to revert to SQLite to complete the app ( now in beta testing ). Not impressed at all. update: worked out the IBLite syntax issue I was having but still not impressed with the ongoing outage and lack of priority.
  11. Gordon Kenyon

    docwiki.embarcadero.com is not working

    Down again now for 24 hours and so is Getit - Gateway time outs from Getit.