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Everything posted by Dwest

  1. Dwest

    Could this be an Indy Error?

    This is kind of a longshot, but the company I work for is upgrading from Delphi 10.3.3 to Delphi 12. We use a mapping program that was created in-house. It can map up to 100 different points, and optimize for drivetime and mileage. To accomplish this, it puts all of the coordinates of the 100 points into a URL, then returns back with the output of that URL (X number of map points, in optimized order). For testing, we made it return the URL to a txt file, and then the output to a separate txt file. In 10.3.3, the output txt file returns coordinate sets for all of the mapped points. In 12, it returns errors. Originally, we thought it could be a mapping service API error, except when the Input URL (generated by Delphi 12) is entered in google chrome, it returns back correctly. The code between the 2 versions is copy-paste. We are thinking it could be a version issue, so I am looking to see if the code for the HTTP component may have changed between version 10.3.3 and version 12 of Delphi. Can you help? I don't have direct access to the exact error that we are receiving, but I'm sure I can get it.
  2. Dwest

    Could this be an Indy Error?

    This is what it looks like https://wps.hereapi.com/2/findsequence.json?&apiKey={OUR API KEY}&start=0;99.4698149,-99.8852148&destination1=1;99.4698149,-99.8852148&destination2=2;99.4698149,-99.8852148&destination3=3;99.4698149,-99.8852148&destination4=4;99.4698149,-99.8852148&end=5;99.4698149,-99.8852148&improveFor=time&routeAttributes=summary&mode=fastest;car;traffic:disabled; I have experimented with the separator's a bit within the coordinates and between and nothing seems to work. HERE's map service API documents tell us to construct the link in this way. Also, to add to my previous comment, the separators don't seem to be the issue when putting it into a browser. Since it works just fine that way. My boss seems to think it may be some sort of security issue with the program communicating with the API since it works in the browser and throws errors in the program.
  3. Dwest

    Could this be an Indy Error?

    Typically, it's anywhere from 2-65 different map coordinates. Sometimes as high as 98. Yes we did every comparison we could think of, I don't think the person in charge of this used chrome's debugger, So I will mention it as an option. Of course, the formatting is as such: 99.4698149,-99.8852148 For each coordinate. (All I did to modify was change the first numbers to 9) ex: start=0;99.4698149,-99.8852148&destination1=1;99.4698149,-99.8852148&destination2=2; etc...
  4. Dwest

    Could this be an Indy Error?

    The exact error message that is being received is.... {"results":null,"errors":["Coordinate with id 0 is not valid. Please check separators. Error ID: 6d5d190c-5024-4152-9d81-bee145224322"],"processingTimeDesc":null,"responseCode":"400","warnings":null,"requestId":null} I can't give the proper input, as it is real-world locations of people I do not have the appropriate permissions to post, but here is the input modified to remove those coordinates, as well as our API Key. https://wps.hereapi.com/2/findsequence.json?&apiKey={OUR API KEY}&start=0;{COORD1}&destination1=1;{COORD2}&destination2=2;{COORD3}&destination3=3;{COORD4}&destination4=4;{COORD5}&destination5=5;{COORD6}&improveFor=time&routeAttributes=summary&mode=fastest;car;traffic:disabled; Edit: Unfortunately, I cannot post any of the code, if this is insufficient, then I understand.