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VoSs2o0o last won the day on January 27 2024

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  1. (Standard) is displayed in a German Regedit-Tool, and is the same as (Default)
  2. VoSs2o0o

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Thank you for your fast support, it is working now! Also this is a very impessive Tool. I will next try it with the SC-Server to have more control over the rules. It will be a Standardtool for me, when i make it to add/remove/tweak some rules... Anyway it is still helpful in the Offline-Configuration.
  3. VoSs2o0o

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    I cannot use this Tool: When i press "analyze" i get the error: An error was raised: (au.com.integradev.delphi.symbol.SymbolTableBuild... Path to Delphi standard library is invalid: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\source). The source is not on C:\Program Files (x86).., it is on c:\soft\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\, so the ProgDir is wrong, also it "predicts" BDS22, i have BDS23. Possible Solution: You can read it from: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0\RootDir or you can add a new Option for the SourcePath in the menu to fix that
  4. VoSs2o0o

    New and easy Format Command (OpenSource)

    @Vincent: Of course the readme, license have to be in the root folder.... @Kas Ob., Uwe: There are two Variants: Lazy Coder: FStr and Delphi-Style TNetFormat and it is possible to use an alias for other variants. by the way, i have released a Bugfix 3.0.1 for older Delphi Versions.
  5. VoSs2o0o

    New and easy Format Command (OpenSource)

    Ok, that was valueable Input: @Vincent: 1) done 2) good Idea, it has VoTools as Prefix now 3) The Idea is, that it is short like an f"test" in Python, $"test" in CSharp or a STR."test" in Java, but i have made two changes: - have changed it from 'TStr' to 'Fstr' - have readded the TNetFormat.Str format of the older Version, for a more Delphi like syntax 4) there are a lot of files now, so it was a good idea to restructure it 5) added 🙂 @Anders See 3) above @All: I have a problem with the Generic<T> - Types, i cannot correctly detect 'nil': I have tried the following: default(T) == nil //cannot compile it T(nil) == nil //cannot compile it PPointer(@val1)^ <> nil // works, but not in DunitX //i use this at moment (no direct Pointer supported at moment): GetTypekind(T) == tkPointer //tkpointer is the type of nil, but alos of Pointers of course... ChangeLog: ### 28.01.2024: Version 3.0 - Old: TStr('Hallo {0} {1:D4} {2} {3}'). Params('Welt', 55, 7.7, testdate); - New: TStr -> FStr, and old Format readded, beause some People wants a more Delphi-Format like command: FStr('Hallo {0} {1:D4} {2} {3}'). Params('Welt', 55, 7.7, testdate); TNetFormat.TStr('Hallo {0} {1:D4} {2} {3}', 'Welt', 55, 7.7, testdate); - Namespace VTools added to avoid conficts - Hex-Format added ("X") - TFormatStettings Support - Tests added - 'writeln' to Example added, to also have an console output - some minors changes to README Readme: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/blob/master/README.md Code: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/ Download: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/releases Website in German with descriptive Content about the Code: https://www.cloud-9.de/entwicklung/delphi-besserer-format-befehl
  6. I have created a unit, that is similar to String Interpolation. Of course real Interpolation would be a compiler feature. TStr('Hello, {0}! Today is {1:ddd}, it's {1:HH:mm} now.').Params(name, date); // Hello, Mark! Today is Wednesday, it's 19:40 now. Variables where automaticly detected and converted (automatic type inferrence via Generics), so no need for IntToStr, FloatToStrF... Here a short Description of the Format. It is similar to the Format Specifier of .Net. The Date Format is almost the same like in Delphi, but the other Specifier are different. but i think its a way better than the sprintf Convention that Delphi uses: Integer and Float where automaticly converted and formatted as needed: C for Currency (Number for Decimal Places) D for Integer (Number for prefixed Zeros) F for Double (Number for Decimal Places) Date can formatted with: dd = Day, MM=Month, yyyy=Year HH=Hour, mm=Minute, ss=Seconds there are further possibilities in the readme Readme: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/blob/master/readme.md Code: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/ Download: https://github.com/VoSs2o0o/NetFormat/releases Website in German with descriptive Content about the Code: https://www.cloud-9.de/entwicklung/delphi-besserer-format-befehl