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  1. Thank you for continued support and upgrade of ICS 👍
  2. Yes I did, but it is so rare that it did go unnoticed for 20years 🙂 In short: -headers have to be split in multiple packets -break between packets have to be exacly on CRLF sequence (CR in first packet, LF in second) -last header line data in first packet should be equal length to previous header line data Observed conditions: Headers were very long - 30+ lines. Some header lines were very long. On first call of SocketDataAvailable, FReceiveBuffer did not receive whole header. After Len := FCtrlSocket.Receive(@FReceiveBuffer[FReceiveLen], I); Len is 1369, FReceiveBuffer[1368] = #13, FReceiveBuffer[1369] = #0 so everything there is as expected, 20+ full header lines and last line in buffer ending with CR (LF will come in next packet/call to SocketDataAvailable + rest of the headers) After processing all header lines that were terminated with CRLF we observe here: while FReceiveLen > 0 do begin I := 0; // FP 09/09/06 while (I <= FReceiveLen) and (Ord(FReceiveBuffer[I]) <> 10) do // FP 09/09/06 Inc(I); // FP 09/09/06 if I > FReceiveLen then break; FReceiveLen is 32 and first 33 bytes of FReveiveBuffer are: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff#$D#$A You would expect that FReceiveBuffer[32] would be #0 but it isn't probably due to incorrect parameters of MoveTBytes(FReceiveBuffer, I + 1, 0, FReceiveLen); // FP 09/09/06 and fact that last full header line was: X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block#$D#$A exacty 31 bytes(without CRLF) as our last unprocessed (and incomplete) header line. It will increase I to 32, it will not break (but it should cause line is not terminated with LF - but state of buffer and errors in code says otherwise ) Rest of the code in while loop while FReceiveLen > 0 do begin will consider line complete and will add it to headers, FReceiveLen would go from -1 to 0 due to FReceiveLen := FReceiveLen - I - 1; // FP 09/09/06 if FReceiveLen > 0 then begin // Move(FReceiveBuffer[I], FReceiveBuffer[0], FReceiveLen + 1); MoveTBytes(FReceiveBuffer, I + 1, 0, FReceiveLen); // FP 09/09/06 // Debugging purpose only //FillChar(FReceiveBuffer[FReceiveLen], I + 1, '*'); end else if FReceiveLen < 0 then // AG 03/19/07 FReceiveLen := 0; // AG 03/19/07 and we will go to another packet/SocketDataAvailable call which starts with #10 and have rest of headers after that FLastresponse would be empty and rest of headers will end up in body.
  3. There are couple of errors in OverbyteIcsHttpProt.pas that can result in part of headers ending up in BodyData // procedure THttpCli.SocketDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; ErrCode: Word); while FReceiveLen > 0 do begin I := 0; while (I <= FReceiveLen) and (Ord(FReceiveBuffer[I]) <> 10) do // out of bounds Inc(I) if I > FReceiveLen then // would never break break; Proposed changes: while FReceiveLen > 0 do begin I := 0; // FP 09/09/06 while (I < FReceiveLen) and (Ord(FReceiveBuffer[I]) <> 10) do Inc(I); // FP 09/09/06 if I >= FReceiveLen then break;