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  1. aegger

    Minimal working Example for libgit2-delphi

    Seems to do the trick! @Darian Miller Thank you very much for helping out a novice. I will take a closer look at the fundamentals.
  2. Good evening! I am trying to set up a minimal working example for libgit2-delphi (GitHub - todaysoftware/libgit2-delphi: libgit2 bindings for Delphi/Free Pascal). As I am relatively new to this aspect of Delphi (Pointers, cdecl; external etc.), I would appreciate some help - thank you! With the compiled *.dll and source from the release I can call the functions, but I get an error when calling even basic functionality like git_repository_init(...). I am sure there is something fundamental I am overlooking. program GetItWorking; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, libgit2 in 'libgit2-delphi-main\src\libgit2.pas'; var statusRepository : integer; repoPP : PPgit_repository; gitError : Pgit_error; const repoPath : PAnsiChar = 'C:/TEMP/'; begin try InitLibgit2; //with this setup in "LibGit2.pas" you can only init a single repository at a time... (Singleton Pattern) statusRepository := git_repository_init(repoPP, repoPath, 0); //function git_repository_init(out_: PPgit_repository; path: PAnsiChar; is_bare: Cardinal): Integer; cdecl; external libgit2_dll; if statusRepository <> 0 then begin gitError := git_error_last(); //message: invalid argument: "out" end; //How to look into the repo? //ToDo ShutdownLibgit2; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; //keep console open readln; end. LibGit2_GetItWorking.zip