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Elliot Hillary

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Elliot Hillary last won the day on June 4 2024

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  1. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.1.0 out now!

    Hi @Die Holländer, I'm glad that fixing your Java path resolved the problem! DelphiLint has the concept of a "project directory", which is basically the root directory of the analysis - files outside the project directory cannot be analyzed. There is a relevant FAQ section here describing how to change the default project directory. In your case, I'm guessing the *.pas files are in a different directory to your *.dpr? Changing the project directory to a common parent directory will allow you to analyze all your project files. Hi @zed,DelphiLint downloads the SonarDelphi analyzer in the background, since it uses it internally. You can configure exactly which version you want, which is why DelphiLint does it, not the installer. That being said, I suppose the installer could download the default version for you so that you can use it fully offline immediately if you choose. Thanks for the suggestion! Hi @corneliusdavid, really glad to hear that you're enjoying DelphiLint! This release has a number of user experience improvements that are undoubtedly contributing to that ever-important slick factor.
  2. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.1.0 out now!

    Hi @Die Holländer, @Torbjörn, DelphiLint is not trying to contact an external server, it is trying and failing to start the backend analyzer process (the "DelphiLint server"). I would recommend having a read of the FAQ, particularly the section titled DelphiLint fails, saying that the server failed to communicate the port. It is usually caused by using an older Java version than DelphiLint's minimum requirement (Java 11). If you ever have a problem, please raise an issue! We can only test so many device configurations and DelphiLint has no telemetry, so we rely on user reports to let us know what to fix.
  3. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.1.0 out now!

    We're excited to release version 1.1.0 of DelphiLint, a free and open-source static analyzer and linter for the Delphi IDE! DelphiLint is powered by SonarDelphi, our Delphi analyzer for the SonarQube code quality platform, and can be run in two modes: Standalone - run analyses entirely locally, no server required Connected - connect to a SonarQube server, allowing for synchronization with the server's quality profiles and configuration Release: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/delphilint/releases/latest Blog Post: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/delphilint/discussions/43 New Features in 1.1.0 Quick fixes - fix issues using suggested automatic changes Standalone rule configuration - configure the analysis rules that are applied in Standalone Mode Declutter files by hiding issues Many performance improvements and bug fixes For more details, see the blog post for release 1.1.0 and the repository README.
  4. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Please raise an issue on the DelphiLint repository if you encounter a problem. As I've said, we're not actively monitoring this page - I only noticed this post by coincidence - so I can't guarantee your issue will be fixed if it's only discussed here. The JAVA_HOME environment variable should be set along with your JRE installation. If it's not, then (as you say) DelphiLint prompts you for the location of a Java executable, which is indeed java.exe. Setting this to the java.exe in your JRE folder and clicking "Apply this configuration" should work correctly - if this does not work, please raise an issue with a description of the problems this is causing. I'm not sure exactly how a change to startup code could improve on this experience, or how the guidance can be improved. Please feel free to raise an issue or pull request suggesting improvements to these!
  5. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Please raise issues on the DelphiLint repository if you encounter a problem -or, if it's related to analysis problems or false positive issues, the repository for SonarDelphi (the analyzer DelphiLint uses). Those are the centralized places we're tracking issues, and the only places we're guaranteed to be monitoring! We've raised sonar-delphi#213 for this parsing error.
  6. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Thanks for submitting an issue, it was only a small fix - an unoptimized background thread was wasting CPU cycles waiting for the server to start. This issue is resolved in DelphiLint 1.0.2, along with a couple of other minor improvements.
  7. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Sorry to hear you had issues starting up SonarQube - is it possible that the root cause is the same as #8? This part of the SonarQube documentation could be helpful. By default, DelphiLint and SonarDelphi follow Delphi's Object Pascal Style Guide, so this is where the naming convention rules get their standard opinions from. Standalone rule customization is a highly requested feature - we're tracking the proposal as #16 and are looking to add it in a future release.
  8. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    To uninstall from your IDE, you remove it like any other package through Components > Install Packages. If you’d like to totally remove all traces of DelphiLint from your system, deleting the folder %APPDATA%\DelphiLint will do the trick. Although, if you’re uninstalling because you want to install a newer version of DelphiLint instead, there’s no need to do any of this - the install script automatically uninstalls any old versions.
  9. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Great to see that your problem is resolved and you're finding DelphiLint helpful! We're tracking features and bugs using the GitHub Issues for integrated-application-development/delphilint, so please let us know there if you encounter any problems in the future 🙂
  10. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Sorry to hear that. DelphiLint (and SonarDelphi) have been successfully used with much larger codebases than you describe - I suspect this could be a JVM issue. Please raise an issue, including your JDK/JRE distribution and version, and we'll see what we can do!
  11. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    As Zane says, DelphiLint just downloads the SonarDelphi plugin jar from a GitHub release (here) - internally, it runs the plugin as if it was running within SonarScanner. Please note that if you choose to manually download the jar and place it in %APPDATA%\DelphiLint\plugins, it should be named "DEFAULT-sonar-delphi-plugin-1.3.0.jar".
  12. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    While it is possible, it has a number of downsides. It's not an avenue we're pursuing at the moment since installing the JRE is pretty quick and easy.
  13. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    Thanks for trying it out - glad it went smoothly for you! Currently you cannot customise the list of rules used in standalone mode. In connected mode, you can configure the rules to use on SonarQube - the relevant section of the SonarDelphi manual is here. If there's a lot of interest in customising the rules in standalone mode, that's certainly something that could make its way into a future release. There's also currently no way of "clearing" issues from a file after an analysis. Of course, if you fix the issues and re-analyze the file, they will disappear, but if this is something you'd like to see as well then please let us know. We're tracking feature requests and bugs using GitHub Issues - please raise an issue for any features you'd like to see (and of course, for any bugs you encounter)! Contributions are also welcome :)
  14. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    That's correct - you don't need to have anything SonarQube-related to use DelphiLint in standalone mode. After installing into the IDE, it's ready to go. If you decide you would like to set up SonarQube and use DelphiLint in connected mode, it's worth mentioning that SonarQube Community Edition is free, open-source, self-hosted, and does not require any sort of license - with the SonarDelphi plugin it's a great (and free) option for managing Delphi code quality.
  15. Elliot Hillary

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    We're excited to announce the release of DelphiLint v1.0.0, a free and open-source static analyzer and linter for the Delphi IDE! DelphiLint is powered by SonarDelphi, our Delphi analyzer for the SonarQube code quality platform that scans entire codebases with more than 120 different rules. With DelphiLint, the feedback loop is shortened - it allows you to analyze individual files within your editor and correct problems before they're even checked in. GitHub: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/delphilint Release: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/delphilint/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Features Analyze one or more files on demand View detected issues, descriptions, and rationale inline in the Delphi IDE Two analysis modes: Standalone - run analyses entirely locally with a default set of active rules Connected - connect to a SonarQube instance, allowing for Fetching of active rules and configuration from the server's configured quality profiles Suppression of issues that have been resolved in past analyses Usage of the server's version of SonarDelphi Uses the same rules and configuration files as SonarDelphi, making configuration easy for projects that already use SonarDelphi for code quality DelphiLint supports RAD Studio for Delphi 11+. Feedback and contributions are welcome!