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Everything posted by Vasiliy

  1. An error occurred while connecting the client to the server. All *.pem files were recreated by ICS-OpenSSL. Teach me what I'm doing wrong?
  2. Sorry, it's me again. Different programs, same error. I just can’t figure out what and where I need to put it so that the client can finally connect to the server and authorization occurs.
  3. Thank you for responding to my request. Following your advice, I’m trying to figure out OverbyteIcsSslMultiFtpServ. Help with the file OverbyteIcsSslMultiFtpServ.ini [Host1] Hosts= HostTag=FTP Descr=Simple FTP Server BindIpAddr= BindIpAddr2=:: BindNonPort=21 BindSslPort=990 AuthSslCmd=True AuthForceSsl=True HostEnabled=True SslCert=??? SslPassword=password SslInters=??? SslSecLevel=sslSrvSecInterFS Created a list of certificates using the IcsSslBuildCerts.bat file Client.pem ClientCert.pem ClientKey.pem ClientReq.pem Root.p12 Root.pem root.srl RootCert.pem RootKey.pem RootReq.pem Server.pem ServerCA.p12 ServerCA.pem ServerCA.srl ServerCAcert.pem ServerCAkey.pem ServerCAreq.pem ServerCert.pem ServerKey.pem ServerReq.pem Tell me which ones are needed (SslCert,SslInters) for work OverbyteIcsSslMultiFtpServ?