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Derrek Curtis

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  1. Derrek Curtis

    New to delphi

    Thank you for your responce. That message is generated when the Vcl library is complied from within the project. I don’t understand why that is being called to compile.
  2. Derrek Curtis

    New to delphi

    Hello, I am new to the Delphi world. Most of the programming I have done was primary user interface updates using MFC. I have a project originally written in Delphi 5, it has been update to run in Delphi xe7( not by me ). I am trying to update it to Delphi 11. I have what I believe is a configuration issue that has me stumped. [dcc32 Fatal Error] DesignIntf.pas(14): F2613 Unit 'DesignConst' not found. I get this when ever i try to compile the project. I searched the web but didn't find the solution. Any ideas?