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  1. TaKo91

    VCL - Canvas does not allow drawing

    Looks like the problem occurs when putting TSpeedButton with TRelativePanel into TScrollBox and then minimizing/maximizing the application. (C++ Builder 12.1)
  2. TaKo91

    VCL - Canvas does not allow drawing

    Hello, when resizing or minimizing and maximizing VCL application the exception is thrown: First chance exception at $00007FFF326DBA99. Exception class EInvalidOperation with message 'Canvas does not allow drawing'. Call stack shows exception is thrown in Vcl::Graphics::TCanvas::RequiredState(System::Set<Vcl::Graphics::TCanvasStates, (Vcl::Graphics::TCanvasStates)0, (Vcl::Graphics::TCanvasStates)3>)() - see attached call stack text file. Best regards. Call stack.txt
  3. I have a TFDQuery that returns a row from record. When binding it visually to TStringGrid is it possible to invert it, so the field names are displayed in rows and values in columns? I would like to do the same for TFDTable when visually binding it to TStringGrid. Id | Name | Role Id | 1 | 2 1 | John | admin -> Name | John | Jane 2 | Jane | user Role | admin | user
  4. TaKo91

    VCL Form Designer Zoom

    I have a VCL form of width 1920px and height of 1080px. To put the elements on the form I have to scroll the form left, right and up, down as it does not fit in the window. Is it possible to zoom out the form in form designer so it fits the main window? I see there is option to zoom in/zoom out in code editor but not in Form designer.
  5. Hello, I have a TFDconnection to Sqlite database. I already have some tables in the database which are created with TFDTable->CreateTable() method. Now I would like to create a table with primary and foreign keys: CREATE TABLE Channels ( channel_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, task_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (task_id) REFERENCES tasks (task_id) ); Where can I add Primary key and Foreign key to TFDTable before I create it? Thanks for the replies.