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Bahram Akhundov

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Everything posted by Bahram Akhundov

  1. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    Hello Guys. I need help to convert Visual Studio 2012 project to delphi! If anybody can help me i will very happy. I share the sourche code. P.s i can pay extra for that! test.zip
  2. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    i add some word, also no need extra plugins or else, all posible with default delphi components.UDP /TCP before i writed some scrip[t likely to use OBD interface to send command and recerve resultat,likely K_line or CAN H/L i used same way buth litle diference for ethernet.Also after that i done very usefull. Extra i add any C# code posible convert to Delphi language, some Functions very easy. Thanks everbody for help!
  3. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    Theme closed, problem fixed!
  4. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    Thanks you! very helpfull for me !
  5. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    also guys: Uses: Winsock procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var WSAData: TWSAData; P: PHostEnt; Buf: array[0..127] of AnsiChar; IP: string; begin // Initialize Winsock if WSAStartup(MakeWord(2, 2), WSAData) <> 0 then begin ShowMessage('Error initializing Winsock'); Exit; end; try // Get local host information if gethostname(Buf, SizeOf(Buf)) = 0 then begin P := gethostbyname(Buf); if P <> nil then begin IP := string(inet_ntoa(PInAddr(P^.h_addr_list^)^)); RichEdit1.Lines.Add('Local IP Address: ' + IP); end else ShowMessage('Error retrieving local host information'); end else ShowMessage('Error retrieving local host name'); finally WSACleanup; end; end; now problem ,its show me LAN IP, buth not get outside ZGW ip...
  6. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    yes right. i need just simple code on delphi for that
  7. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    of cours i have that ... on bench and connected to LAN, its detect...
  8. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    i have setup zgw on bench, i can share remote my LAN ZGW for test!
  9. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    i am asking for help, why can convert this code to Delphi project. only need this help!
  10. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    i am try same code write in delphi buth dont work, if somebody can convert that will great help for me...
  11. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    maybe you dont understand me. do you can help me to convert this C# to delphi project ?
  12. Bahram Akhundov

    Convert Visual Studio 2012 code to Delphi

    its not work with AI! please show files from project you will understand me...