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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. Thank you - I feel better. Have been beating my head against the MS wall for two weeks. Was afraid age and long COVID had finally done me in. If I get this figured out I'll be happy to post something. Meanwhile .... I need to keep this project fully web-based. How can I get data from an html page directly to Azure SQL? The database needs to have some way of listening for "Insert Into tblX...." safely.
  2. I need to collect data via a web site and add it to an Azure SQL Database. I found the following blog/examples by Glenn Dufke: https://code-kungfu.com/delphi-demystified/9-getting-started-with-azure-function-apps-in-delphi.html I got it working locally. When I try to deploy to Azure I get the message "Matches multiple schemas when only one must validate." Per StackOverflow I restarted everything and checked tasks.json. Still runs ok locally but not when deployed. Returns 200-OK. Seems to be skipping my custom handler. Error is attached to host.json file, Line 1 Col 1. What schema might it be talking about?