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Posts posted by VilleK

  1. After updating to 12.1 I can no longer use the "Evaluate/Modify" feature (ctrl + F7). I get the message "Cannot load evaluator". Does it work for anyone else?


    This is a big issue for me because Ctrl + F7 is my main debugging tool and I've been using that shortcut since the Turbo Pascal days.



  2. I figured it out with the help of Embarcadero support.


    It was my mistake. The default Delphi short cut is specified like this:


    ... bds.exe" "-pDelphi"

    I copied the shortcut and added my option like this:


    ... bds.exe" "-pDelphi -rmykey"

    For some reason the quotation marks around the parameters causes the registration wizard to appear when Delphi starts.


    When I changed it like this then it works like expected:


    ... bds.exe" -pDelphi -rmykey


  3. Hi,


    In older Delphi versions I used to make different startup shortcuts because I had clients with very different IDE settings and components.


    I copied the Delphi shortcut and edited like this:


    bds.exe -pDelphi -rsomeotherkey


    The r switch is documented here: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/IDE_Command_Line_Switches_and_Options


    But if try this in Delphi 12 then it opens the "Embarcadero Product Registration" dialog. And when I enter my correct details (I have a valid license and subscription) it shows this message and exits.


    "You are not licensed to used Delphi 12"


    I remember had the same issue in Delphi 11 so Delphi 10 was the most recent version where it was working for me.


    Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong? I've checked my license details are correct several times.

  4. Hi,


    I implemented Sugiyama here:




    It is fully defined in a single unit. I've used it in several projects and it is very fast, robust, and as far as I know bugfree :). Let me know if you need help with using it!


    You create a subclass and override ExtractNodes and ApplyNodes methods. See this unit for an example (the TMyLayout class).

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  5. When optimizations are turned off in Delphi IDE the code is worse:

    - Each assign to "sum" variable is a load to register from stack, modify register, store back to stack. Same for loop iteration variable "i".

    - Loop start is not on aligned address

    - Loop count upwards instead of downwards requiring a compare at the end instead of just jump if not zero.


    So the compiler do some optimizations but they are very very basic.

    • Sad 1

  6. Compiling this simple program:

    program test;
    procedure loop;
      i,sum : integer;
      sum := 0;
      for i := 0 to 1000 do
        sum := sum + 1;

    Generates the following code (Delphi Mac 64-bit compiler, release build):

    __project1_loop PROC
            push    rbp                                  
            mov     rbp, rsp                             
            mov     dword ptr [rbp-8H], 0                
            mov     dword ptr [rbp-0CH], 1001            
    ALIGN   16
    ?_001:  inc     dword ptr [rbp-8H]                   
            dec     dword ptr [rbp-0CH]                  
            jnz     ?_001                                
            pop     rbp                                  
    __project1_loop ENDP

    Some point to notice:
    - The loop procedure has a stack frame even though we've turned them off
    - It does not try to use registers for local variables. Both "i" and "sum" are allocated on the stack.
    - Since the loop body has no side effects and the result is not used then the whole loop can be optimized away. This happens with the same code written in C and compiled with Clang compiler. Clang is interesting comparison because it also uses LLVM infrastructure so it gives an idea of what kind of optimizations that are possible. 
    - If we were to change the loop so the result variable is used (by printing the content of "sum" variable) then Clang will recognize that the loop can be evaluated at compile time and replace it with the equivalent code of printing that constant. Again, Delphi does not do this. See result of Clang here.

    • Sad 1