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  1. jvmbatista

    ICS V9.2 announced

    And I missed this post completely... [MidWare] MidWare, Delphi 12 - ICS - Internet Component Suite - Delphi-PRAXiS [en] (delphipraxis.net) Looks like he doesn't maintain the project anymore so I guess that either update it ourselves or find another way Thanks
  2. jvmbatista

    ICS V9.2 announced

    Hello, I'm probably asking in the wrong place but it seemed a bit overkill to create a thread for this and it's a bit related so here it goes: I've been trying to install MidWare on 12.1 and I'm facing the following issues that I didn't have when installing on 12.0 with ICS 9.0 1- [dcc32 Fatal Error] OverbyteMwReg.pas(5): F1026 File not found: 'OverbyteIcsSslDefs.inc' S: Looked though the ICS projects and if I'm not mistaken that include was removed so I did the same and both run and design projects build successfully. Was this the correct fix? 2- When installing the Design package I get the following error: "Cannot load package 'IcsCommonD12Run.' It contains unit 'OverbyteIcsHtmlPars', which is also contained in package 'IcsCommonNewRun290'." Can you guys point me in the right direction for this one? There was any change from 9.0 to 9.2 like the 1st one that causes this to happen? Regards João