You'll need to parse the SWIFT messages to extract relevant fields and information. SWIFT messages are structured with specific fields that you need to handle programmatically. If you need to create SWIFT messages (MT940 in your case), you'll need to format the data according to SWIFT standards. RT940 refers to real-time MT940 messages. MT940 is a standard SWIFT message format for transmitting balance and transaction information for accounts. You'll need to parse these messages to extract account information, transactions, balances, and other relevant data.
Here’s a basic example of how you might approach parsing an MT940 message in Delphi:
procedure ParseMT940(Message: TStringList);
i: Integer;
// Assume Message is a TStringList containing lines of the MT940 message
for i := 0 to Message.Count - 1 do
// Example: Parsing the statement line
if StartsText(':61:', Message) then
// Extract transaction details
// Example: Date, Amount, Transaction Type, etc.
// Parse fields according to the SWIFT MT940 specification
// Example:
// Date := Copy(Message, 5, 6); // Extract date
// Amount := StrToFloat(Copy(Message, 16, Length(Message)-15));
// Example: Parsing the balance line
if StartsText(':60F:', Message) then
// Extract balance details
// Example: Balance amount, Date, Currency, etc.
// Example:
// BalanceAmount := StrToFloat(Copy(Message, 7, Length(Message)-6));
// Continue parsing other lines as needed