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Everything posted by KimHJ

  1. I upgrade to Delphi 12.2 from 12.1 and when I try to build an existing app for iPhone I get this error on every app. [PAClient Error] Error: E6665 Cannot open file "/Users/kimjensen/PAServer/scratch-dir/mkhje-MiniMac/CleanXpress.launchscreen/partial_info.plist". No such file or directory When I look in the folder on the Mac I have two things, a folder called Assets and LaunchScreen.storyboard I delete everything and and build again, same error. I search all forums, but only found Xcode developer with same problem. Thanks for any help.
  2. KimHJ

    partial_info.plist not found

    Started everything up today erased everything on the Mac, installed the new iOS 18.0. Compiled and no errors. ??
  3. KimHJ

    partial_info.plist not found

    I did see that post, but I have everything checked in the Deployment page. Maybe I need to add a line in the deployment page, I have build releasees three times before in Delphi 12.1 with no problems, all I change was one line of code. I was trying to lock TEdit that was bind to a table so the user couldn't change it by accident, by making the table readonly true, but in iPhone the keyboard still comes up and lock up the whole application.
  4. I installed Mars in Delphi 12.1 and created the sample code. I get the following error when build. [dcc32 Error] SynCrypto.pas(14075): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'HashFound' Thanks for any help, KimHJ
  5. KimHJ

    Error running the Example

    I followed the instruction on the GitHub, I build it and got the error. This one: Use the Code Luke! Build REST server with MARS Curiosity is very easy. To run a simple REST server just create a new Console Application and use the following code: Best regards, Kim
  6. KimHJ

    iphone 17.2.1 an xcode 15.2 issue

    After a days work I got it working, I had to delete all certificates and provision profiles on my Mac and the download and install them again. After submitting the .ipa I got an error back that I need to compile with version 17 of the iOS, tomorrow I will download it and try again.
  7. KimHJ

    iphone 17.2.1 an xcode 15.2 issue

    I was unable to create a release to, I keep getting this warning: MSBUILD : warning H2596: H2596 ld: warning: directory not found for option '-LComponent' Then I get the Window saying Troubleshooting: Cannot Connect to the Mac, even I test the connection before and after. I have no problems running the same application in the simulator on the Mac. Unable to match bundle identifier "CleanXpress2" with AppID "com.cleanxpress.app" in provisioning profile "CleanXpress (c7f2bbfd-30d0-4966-aa77-ed8d3e586682)" In Options/Application/Version Info I have tried to enter com.cleanxpress.app in the CFBundleName, CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleIdentifier When I go to Apple and look up Identifiers for CleanXpress it says com.cleanxpress.app Any idea?
  8. KimHJ

    iphone 17.2.1 an xcode 15.2 issue

    Thanks. I had to sign up and after that I got: No Access You don't have permission to view this portal. View other portals I found that if I select iphone 13 then it works. I will try to make a release version today and see if I run into any problems.
  9. KimHJ

    iphone 17.2.1 an xcode 15.2 issue

    I have Delphi 12 and making a multi-application for Android and iPhone. The Android application is running fine and i have already been launch on Google Play. I try to run the same code connecting to the Mac with Sonoma 14.2 iPhone 15 simulator and XCode 15.3 it goes to FormShow as soon it exit FormShow and then it crash. Where did you add the line WindowManager.RootViewController.Super.init;
  10. I get this error when I try to send a GET using the RESTRequest in a Android application using Delphi 12, it works fine if I run it as a windows application. This is a multi-device application. Exception class EJNIException with message 'java.security.cert.CertificateException: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found. The server is hosted in the cloud on windows server with a SSL certificate issued by Symantec. Thanks for any help. I found following on the internet search. I have to add this line to the Android Manifest file: android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" That example show how to do it with a self-signed certificate, but since I don't have a self signed I have no idea how to to the rest. I had to create res\xml\network_security_config.xml file with the similar contents: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <network-security-config> <domain-config> <domain includeSubdomains="true">My_Server.com</domain> <trust-anchors> <certificates src="@raw/my_ca"/> </trust-anchors> </domain-config> </network-security-config> I tried to use the pem file like this <certificates src="@raw/publiccert.pem"/> But it didn't work. Here is the link to what I found; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56301765/self-signed-certificate-in-android-application-of-rad
  11. KimHJ

    HTTPS call to rest server

    Some suggested that it's only in debug mode that it gets rejected, I will try to create an apk and install it and see if it works.
  12. KimHJ

    HTTPS call to rest server

    I have 12 certificates from DigiCert on my Android phone (Samsung S23 Ultra) I will have to check Samsung 10s that I use for testing. Would I have to include the Certificate in the apk for the Android Play store for it to work on any Android phone?
  13. KimHJ

    HTTPS call to rest server

    The certificate on the rest server is issued by Digicert and according to Android development Android should work on any known certificate.