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    Delphi 11 Alexandria
  1. yes, I have seen and tested, but the Home path /data/data/<application ID>/files is the top higher level reachable; with Deployment manager seems not possible create or put files in /data/data/<application ID>/databases 😞
  2. yes just done, but file location stay the same... To list the App folders I use TPath.GetDocumentsPath() and TPath.GetHomePath() which seems give the same path: /data/data/<application ID>/files To list the 'databases' folder there is no TPath method available, so I use tha Andrioid API databaseList: Context := TAndroidHelper.Context; DatabaseArray := Context.databaseList; which still empty, dispite other java made apps, where the db file are listed...
  3. Hello, I need install my Sqlite db file in a specific path of my industrial handheld: /data/user/0/com.acme.myapp/databases/DBSQLITE.db but in Deployment manager seems only possible install on .\assets\internal\ which result in a absolute path: /data/user/0/com.acme.myapp/files/DBSQLITE.db I tryed to change remote folder in '.\assets\internal\databases\' but after installation the file result located in com.acme.myapp/files/databases/ which is not com.acme.myapp/databases/ Is there any way to set the installation path as I need ? BR, Marco
  4. PhxMarco

    Compile&Run cmd for Android

    Yes, but I had the -cleaninstall option active... Thank you Dave !
  5. Hi, seems that the RUN button on IDE, after compile when necessary, make always an UNINSTALL of the APK before the INSTALL. Someone knows how make the Run button perform INSTALL only ? I need so because with Install, the files in target directory .\assets\internal\ which I use for the database, are retained. Thanks
  6. PhxMarco

    TTask vs TOmniWorker

    Hello, am starting a new D12 service project to drive 20 remote label printers over TCP and wondering if the original D12 TTask with TThreadedQueue could be used instead of OTL TOmniWorker. Now I will develop for Windows, but in future would be nice have linux compatibility... Thanks for advices, Marco
  7. PhxMarco

    Update New Indy / TLS1_3 / FireUI Live

    Ah ok, thank you very much !
  8. PhxMarco

    Update New Indy / TLS1_3 / FireUI Live

    No, I cannot see the component in Indy Misc nor in Indy Clients... But which is the version on Gihub ? can it be compatible with my application written with 10.6.2 ?
  9. PhxMarco

    Update New Indy / TLS1_3 / FireUI Live

    Hi, I was looking for an HL7 library to manage HL7 TCP connections and found this reference to Indy 🙂 But looking in my D12 indy 10.6.2, I do not see the IdHL7.pas... Which version is this with HL7 protocol ? Regards, Marco