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Martin Binder

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Everything posted by Martin Binder

  1. Hello, I recently released a game on Google Play and also uploaded it to the Amazon App Store. While my game runs on a Kindle Fire, attempting to purchase something within the game results in this error: "In-app Purchase component is not set up". Does anyone have any experience with the TInAppPurchase component and Amazon? Or do I need to implement something completely different for purchases through Amazon?
  2. Martin Binder

    Need help with in-app purchases via Amazon

    I started following the instructions for the compatibility SDK and it quickly went over my head. I'm giving up for now, but if anyone else has managed to get this working, I'd love to hear how you did it. I'm currently using Delphi 12.1.
  3. Martin Binder

    Need help with in-app purchases via Amazon

    Thanks, Brian! Yeah, seems like the compatibility SDK is the shorter throw, I'll give it a shot.