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  1. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    Unfortunately, nothing is happening yet
  2. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    The code has been added. I place the cursor at the top left of the site on the Item "FMX" and give a click. But unfortunately, nothing visible happens.
  3. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    This is the code I have now. The cursor works, but now I'm trying to be able to click something on the displayed site so that it executes. unit Unit1; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo, FMX.Controls.Presentation, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdCustomTCPServer, IdTCPServer, IdContext, Androidapi.JNIBridge, Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes, Androidapi.Helpers, Androidapi.JNI.NET, System.IOUtils, FMX.Edit, FMX.Objects, FMX.Memo.Types, System.Permissions, Androidapi.Jni.Os, Androidapi.JNI.Webkit, FireDAC.UI.Intf, FireDAC.FMXUI.Wait, FireDAC.Stan.Intf, FireDAC.Comp.UI, FMX.WebBrowser, FMX.Ani, DW.NativeImage, DW.NativeShape; type TForm1 = class(TForm) WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser; NativeImage1: TNativeImage; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; var KeyChar: Char; Shift: TShiftState); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; var KeyChar: Char; Shift: TShiftState); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; Muis_Cursor_Max_Horz: Integer; Muis_Cursor_Max_Vert: Integer; Muis_Cursor_Stap_Groote: Integer; Muis_Cursor_Horz: Integer; Muis_Cursor_Vert: Integer; Site: String; implementation {$R *.fmx} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //Form1 Form1.ClientHeight:= 536; //Scherm hoogte Form1.ClientWidth:= 955; //Scherm Breedte //Instel waardes: Muis_Cursor_Max_Horz := 940; Muis_Cursor_Max_Vert := 520; Muis_Cursor_Stap_Groote := 5; //Begin Waardes: Muis_Cursor_Horz := 470; Muis_Cursor_Vert := 260; //De Moude Cursor op het begin punt zetten: NativeImage1.Position.X := Muis_Cursor_Horz; NativeImage1.Position.Y := Muis_Cursor_Vert; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin Site:= 'https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/12144-mouse-cursor/'; WebBrowser1.Navigate ( Site ); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; var KeyChar: Char; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = vkDown then begin Muis_Cursor_Vert := Muis_Cursor_Vert + Muis_Cursor_Stap_Groote; if Muis_Cursor_Vert > Muis_Cursor_Max_Vert then Muis_Cursor_Vert := 0; NativeImage1.Position.Y := Muis_Cursor_Vert; end; if Key = vkUp then begin if Muis_Cursor_Vert > -1 then Muis_Cursor_Vert := Muis_Cursor_Vert - Muis_Cursor_Stap_Groote; if Muis_Cursor_Vert < 0 then Muis_Cursor_Vert := Muis_Cursor_Max_Vert; NativeImage1.Position.Y := Muis_Cursor_Vert; end; if Key = vkRight then begin Muis_Cursor_Horz := Muis_Cursor_Horz + Muis_Cursor_Stap_Groote; if Muis_Cursor_Horz > Muis_Cursor_Max_Horz then Muis_Cursor_Horz := 0; NativeImage1.Position.X := Muis_Cursor_Horz; end; if Key = vkLeft then begin if Muis_Cursor_Horz > -1 then Muis_Cursor_Horz := Muis_Cursor_Horz - Muis_Cursor_Stap_Groote; if Muis_Cursor_Horz < 0 then Muis_Cursor_Horz := Muis_Cursor_Max_Horz; NativeImage1.Position.X := Muis_Cursor_Horz; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TForm1.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; var KeyChar: Char; Shift: TShiftState); var Cursor_Position_X: Integer; Cursor_Position_Y: Integer; begin if ((vartostr(Key) = '0') and (KeyChar = '')) then begin //Op OK gedrukt Cursor_Position_X := Round( NativeImage1.Position.X ); Cursor_Position_Y := Round( NativeImage1.Position.Y ); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end.
  4. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    I'm trying to create an Android project, where a Web browser shows a Site. With the Cursor I then point to an Item, and with a click I want to run that item. I have the 1st part working, now I'm still trying to get the 2nd part working.
  5. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    To be able to start something on a site that is on the TWebBrowser, I am looking at the Demo "WebBrowserExt" Do you think this demo can be used for this? Unfortunately I get this error message there: [DCC Fatal Error] DW.JavaScript.WebView2.pas(6): F2613 Unit 'Winapi.WebView2' not found. I have the search path at: Project > Options > Delphi Compiler > Search path Set to the file: DW.JavaScript.WebView2.pas But unfortunately, the error message is still there. How can I get this to work ?
  6. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    As for the next problem (starting something on the site that is on the TWebBrowser). Unfortunately, it is very complicated for me, but can we do something with this? (see Rik's post 30 Sep. 10:44) https://www.nldelphi.com/forum/vraagbaak/firemonkey/44452-/page2 Edit: As I understand I need to figure out the "ElementId": //Run JavaScript code to simulate a click on TWebBrowser procedure SimulateClick(WebBrowser: TWebBrowser; ElementId: string); var Script: string; begin Script := Format('document.getElementById('%s').click();', [ElementId]); WebBrowser.ExecuteScript(Script); end; Who has experience with this?
  7. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    I switched to Delphi 12 (didn't test this again in 11.3) If I change the height and/or width of the "NativeImage" it works fine.
  8. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    There is still a difference between the Demo and my Project and I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong, so I started a new project, but this time with a "NativeRectangle". If I put in the Demo: \Kastri-master\Demos\NativeControls\WebBrowserOverlay\WBOverlay.dproj a "NativeRectangle" place then it works (only the "NativeRectangle" is shown at the top left, so that's already strange), but in my Project the Project crashes. I've started a new project: -Style: Android -A "NativeRectangle" placed on the form -Fil > Color: Red -Project > Options > Delphi Compiler > Search path: ....\Kastri-master\API ....\Kastri-master\Controls ....\Kastri-master\Core And when I start the Project, I get this error message: Project Test_1.apk raised exception class EJNI with message 'Java type JDWRectangleDrawable could not be found'. What am I doing wrong? If the height or width is slightly icy, it doesn't happen
  9. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    I've gone further, and can now move the mouse cursor in all directions across the entire TWebBrowser, and can catch the OK/Enter key. The next problem is, how can I click something on the TWebBrowser so that it runs?
  10. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    Perfect, I now have a mouse icon (NativeImage) that is displayed on top of the TWebBrowser. I'm now going to try to apply this "NativeImage" in my own App. Edit: It doesn't matter where I put a "NativeImage" on the form, it comes up always to be at the top left, it is of course important that I also do this somewhere Otherwise, insert pan. The only difference I can find is that with "LiveBindings Designer" > Visible Element this is set to True and mine is set to False. And that under Element Layers it says "NativeImage1" Unfortunately, I don't get to stand there. Could that be the problem, and how should I do it?
  11. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    As a start, I use a TWebBrowser and try to put something on it as a corsor. But I can't get both an Image and a Rectangle visible on top of this TWebBrowser. So as 1st how do I get something visible on top of this TWebBrowser ?
  12. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    I do come across some things: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64350673/how-to-programmatically-include-the-mouse-cursor-in-android-tv But unfortunately nothing for Delphi, and I just understand how I can make this code suitable for Delphi.
  13. MMSoft

    Mouse cursor

    Let me introduce myself: I program as a hobby, and have been doing it for several years. Because my English is very bad I used a Dutch Forum, but unfortunately that is used very little these days, so hopefully there are still active Delphi users here. (Delphi 11.3, FMX, Android) I would like to add a mouse cursor in my Android(TV) App, and be able to move it and click on an Item. How can I do that? (Sorry for my bad English)